
Alt-Right Provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos Left This Shitty Note on a Restaurant Receipt

Provocateur and alt-right darling Milo Yiannopoulos recently caused yet another controversy last Friday at a restaurant in Albuquerque, New Mexico, following a talk he gave at the nearby University of New Mexico.

As Yiannopoulos and his crew departed the city, they stopped at a Buffalo Wild Wings location near the airport. After eating, he and his group allegedly left their server a credit card receipt decorated with crucifixes, and the following inflammatory note: “God hates fags sorry about it.”

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In the blank space where the tip would normally have been left for the $139.81 tab, the ticket was merely signed “no tip crew.”

Image via KRQE News 13

Image via KRQE News 13

Yiannopoulos’ appearances in New Mexico have regularly been marked by unrest, and his most recent visit was no exception. His speech was often punctuated by interruptions from the crowd, and a group of protesters gathered outside the hall where he spoke.

According to local news station KRQE, the servers at the restaurant immediately notified a manager of the incident, to prove that no one on staff had written the note. MUNCHIES has since confirmed the story told to KRQE by contacting the restaurant directly.

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However, if there is any silver lining in all of this, the manager speaking to MUNCHIES says that one member in the group did end up leaving a cash tip of around $60 — almost 50 percent of the tab.

Whether or not that tip was worth the trolling, one can only imagine. But we can be sure of one reassuring thing: Yiannopoulos’ queasy discomfort as a basket of fries, ranch dressing, and spicy wings duked it out inside his lower intestine at 30,000 feet.