A Former Baltimore Cop Just Tweeted All the Horrible Shit He Saw on the Job

In the midst of social and political upheaval in Baltimore, retired police officer and US Marine Corps veteran Michael A. Wood Jr. turned to Twitter on Wednesday to share stories of all the awful shit he claims to have witnessed as a local cop. Apparently, Wood decided to tell his story after he “virtually begged local media to give [him] a voice.” Wood previously spoke out about his time in the force during a radio interview. A spokesperson for the Baltimore Police Department confirmed to the Huffington Post that Wood was a former officer who retired last year.

“What’s really hard to convey is that some things are so common place,” Wood wrote, “[that] they didn’t register until I was on the other side.”

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Read a selection of his tweets below.

Want Some In-Depth Stories About the Police?

1. Seattle’s Former Police Chief Speaks Out Against Police Brutality
2. Why It’s Almost Impossible to Reform America’s Police
3. The Mostly Terrible Things I Learned by Listening to Police Scanners for Six Months
4. What I Learned Writing About Bad Cops for a Year and a Half