
Angelina Jolie Says Brad Pitt Tried to Force NDA on Her After Alleged Violent Incident


Brad Pitt tried to make his ex-wife Angelina Jolie sign a nondisclosure agreement that would prevent her from speaking publicly about alleged emotional and physical abuse he inflicted on her and their children, Jolie claims in new court documents. 

On Tuesday, Jolie filed a counterclaim in a Los Angeles court that includes detailed allegations of abuse against Pitt, including claims that he tried to cover it up. 

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Pitt is currently suing Jolie for selling her share of their French vineyard, Chateau Miraval. He maintains that Jolie didn’t have the right to independently sell her stake in their home to a third-party company, while she maintains that she did—and even gave him the chance to buy her out. 

According to the court documents, Pitt and Jolie almost reached a deal over the property in 2021, but Pitt pulled out after she filed a document entitled “Offer of Proof and Authority re Testimony Regarding Domestic Violence” in their child custody battle. He then allegedly tried to strike a new arrangement that would include a non-disparagement clause. 

“Jolie did offer to sell her interest in Chateau Miraval to Pitt, but in exchange for his purchase, Pitt demanded she sign a nondisclosure agreement that would have contractually prohibited her from speaking outside of court about Pitt’s physical and emotional abuse of her and their children,” the 17-page document obtained by VICE News says.  

Pitt also allegedly tried to include a clause that would allow him to hold a portion of what he owed Jolie for four years, the document says.

The counterclaim refers to the NDA as “an abusive and controlling deal-breaker for Jolie.” 

Ultimately, the Lara Croft actor refused the provision and walked away, it says. She then sold her stakes in the property to the third party.

The counterclaim outlines why Jolie filed for divorce from Pitt in the first place, and includes hard-to-read allegations of abuse. On Sept. 14, 2016, the counterclaim says, the family was on an overnight flight from Chateau Miraval in France to Los Angeles, when Pitt allegedly physically and emotionally abused Jolie and their children. 

According to the document, it all started before the family got on the flight: Pitt allegedly had a “confrontation” with one of their children. On the plane, Jolie asked Pitt what was wrong, before he started verbally attacking her, the document says. An hour and a half later, Pitt told Jolie to “come here” and they went to the back of the plane. 

“Pitt grabbed Jolie by the head and shook her, and then grabbed her shoulders and shook her again before pushing her into the bathroom wall,” the counterclaim says. “Pitt then punched the ceiling of the plane numerous times, prompting Jolie to leave the bathroom.”

In another example referenced in the counterclaim, a child got up to defend Jolie before Pitt allegedly lunged at the child. Jolie claims she grabbed Pitt to get him to stop. 

“Before it was over, Pitt choked one of the children and struck another in the face. Some of the children pleaded with Pitt to stop. They were all frightened. Many were crying,” the counterclaim says, adding Pitt periodically yelled and swore at his family while on the plane. 

“At one point, he poured beer on Jolie; at another, he poured beer and red wine on the children.”

When the flight was over, Jolie woke Pitt up. He allegedly tried to block the family from leaving the plane, before a child demanded they get off. Once off the plane, the statement said, Pitt again physically assaulted one of their children, grabbed and shook Jolie, and called her a “bitch.” He also allegedly said, “Fuck you, fuck you all” to his family.

Jolie filed for divorce five days later, the countersuit says.  

Jolie’s filing claims that FBI investigators “concluded that the government had probable cause to charge Pitt with a federal crime for his conduct that day.” Pitt was not charged after the FBI concluded its investigation in 2016, several outlets reported previously. 

A heavily-redacted FBI report that came to light in August of this year said it was “agreed by all parties” that criminal charges “would not be pursued due to several factors.”

Pitt’s lawyers did not respond to a VICE News request for comment, but one of Pitt’s lawyers, Anne Kiley, said that Pitt has owned some past actions, but would not accept responsibility for things he did not do, reported the New York Times. 

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