
Antiheroes And Girls

Patrick is a photographer and director and the guy who does Epicly Later’d

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. We don’t even know where he lives anymore. New York? Los Angeles? It’s either one of those or somewhere in between.

“This spring I went on probably the heaviest skateboarding tour I will ever go on, as far as the presence of legendary skaters goes. The Girl and Antihero teams decided to do a two-week tour of the Northwest, camping and skating every day. I went along to film it for VBS.TV. I couldn’t believe I was even there to see such amazing skating.

PS: As you will soon see, a ‘wizard staff’ is when you finish a beer and tape it underneath your next beer. As you drink more beers, the staff grows. You become a wizard when the staff is taller than you.”

We went to a random house party on Orcas Island. It felt like I was 19 again. One of the crew broke a window and got punched by a girl.

The next day at the skate park, Mike Carroll got party MVP of the tour.

Oregon views… I really want to come here again sometime and enjoy the tranquility of the region while not traveling on a party barge.

P-Stone photo.

Cardiel came on the trip with his bike tied to the roof. He’s also skating more and more.

Julien stokes the fire.

Spike joined us too.

Brian Anderson at dawn.

Cards packing up… This was the most surreal beach. It looked postapocalyptic.

The boys shredding a rare street spot on the tour.

Brian and Alex Olson.

Brian drinks more than anyone I have ever met. His wizard staff was taller than Robbie in minutes.

The crew’s all here.

BA getting more magic.

Wizard Council.

Robbie Russo at Burnside. This kid was my favorite skater of the tour.

Group photo. The only people missing are Koston and I.