
​Aquarius, The Water Bearer

aquarius personality traits image

January 20 – February 19

Have you ever been snowed-in or without electricity or internet? You know how you can get a little wacky and weird when that occurs? There’s something about being forced in one spot without any distractions that forces the mind to be creative and inventive like nothing else. Intellectual Air sign Aquarius, born in the middle of winter-making it a solid yet stubborn Fixed sign-basically has this snowed in, cabin fever genius year round.

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Aquarian people are deep thinkers who embrace the weird and unique. They have a strong desire for independence and to stand out in a crowd, but they’re also undeniably good at creating communities and cultivating friendships.

Aquarians are rebels, and they also have a touch of a dirty mind. Their traditional planetary ruler is Saturn, but Uranus–the literal butt of 99% of astronomy jokes–seems to fit Aquarius quite well. Saturn is the planet of time, and Aquarians do love futuristic themes and retro designs; however, Uranus represents revolution, which is irresistible to all Aquarians.

While Aquarius is the sign of friendship, Aquarians can be quite competitive. Aquarius’s Tarot card is the Star, and the Water Bearer certainly gets a kick out of having a card that sounds like it represents fame and celebrity just to piss off its opposing sign, glory loving Leo. But, honestly, the Star is a symbol for inspiration and of hopes and wishes becoming real-something inventive, go-getter Aquarius is great at achieving.

The glyph for Aquarius is flowing water: Between the name and this symbol, those with a limited understanding of astrology often mistake the water bearer for a water sign. This confusion suits contrary Aquarians just fine. Aquarians are cool and logical individuals, and being a little confusing or freaky is just how they like it.

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