
Arca and Jesse Kanda Share Intimately Candid Video For “Sin Rumbo”

Update [1:57 PM EST, July 4]: Ghersi has shared Entrañas, a 25-minute mixtape featuring collaborations with UK artist Mica Levi, and Fade to Mind affiliates Total Freedom and Massacooramaan.

Yesterday Venezuelan producer Arca shared a minimal, strikingly unguarded video for “Sin Rumbo,” directed by longtime collaborator Jesse Kanda. It features a sweaty, slightly made-up Alejandro Ghersi singing the mournful song directly into the camera; the performance is captured in a single, unedited take.

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The artist tweeted that fans should also expect a new, free release today, July 4, while confirming a new album due out later this year.

The lyrics for “Sin Rumbo” are included in the body of the YouTube upload:

girando en torno al sol
te pierdo otra vez más
no hubo advertencia esta vez
y que dolor
que amargura
no saber
no poder sentirte
poder besarte
te veo cambiar a lo lejos
vengo a adorarte
pero desde la distancia
desde la distancia te añoraré
camino sin rumbo
camino sin rumbo
camino sin rumbo
pero camino
aún camino

In March, Iggy Pop played an Arca song on his BBC Radio 6 show, while Björk has confirmed she’ll be collaborating again with Ghershi on the follow-up to her 2015 album Vulnicura.

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