
Augustinus Bader’s Ridiculously Popular Skincare Now Comes in an XL Bottle

Augustinus Bader 100ml The Rich Cream Linkby

Every day, It feels like a fancy new skincare company is born. This is not inherently bad; the capitalist bald eagle living deep inside us loves innovation, and proudly seeks the thrill of uncorking a new face serum to pamper our pores and boost our serotonin levels. We proudly live by the universal healthy skin tenets, 1) hydrate, 2) wear sunscreen, 3) tip your landlord in Lush bath bombs, and we would happily invest in a Daddy Warbucks-budget face cream if it meant that it actually worked (it’s our face, after all). In this quest to separate the legit from the snake oil, one skincare brand has emerged as king: Augustinus Bader. Now, just in time for us to swipe a Wall Street chump’s Amex the holidays, the brand’s coveted The Rich Cream is available in an even bigger 100 milliliter bottle.

Was ist das?? Let’s back up a bit. Augustinus Bader is a skincare line developed by an actual stem cell researcher—Dr. Augustinus Bader—who looks like our favorite uncle. The brand quickly made waves when its inaugural product—known simply as The Cream—dropped in 2018, capturing the hearts/fine lines of derms, celebs, and skincare forums alike with its slick lapis blue bottle and clean ingredients. Then it launced The Rich Cream, aka an even richer hydrating version of its OG product, and the rest is history.

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No shade to influencer beauty lines (get your coin!), but Bader has spent his entire life studying how to help skin look and feel better; he took his first steps in biomedical health at a burn center before continuing in the field of organ transplantation, and then stem cell research, and now, four years after the launch of his eponymous brand, the report card is in: This stuff slaps.

Augustinus Bader credits the success of The Rich Cream to Bader’s TFC8, or “Trigger Factor Complex,” which is a patented technology in every one of the products that’s made up of over 40 ingredients, and inspired by the 30+ years of Bader’s clinical studies. F-A-N-C-Y. No wonder rich and hot people such as Kim Kardashian and Victoria Beckham are riding that AB-Train.

Sounds nice, right? Well, it gets nicer, because there is nothing stopping you from Venmo-requesting your ex this holiday season and investing your swindled clams in one of Augustinus Bader’s jumbo bottles of The Rich Cream. That’s right, lads. The richness gets richer.

Why not tap into your Anna Delvey-levels of economizing this year? You have nothing lose, and tons of potential hydration to gain with the new-and-improved 100 ml vessel of The Rich Cream.

Here’s to making it a holiday season that you, and your pores, will never forget.

Buy Augustinus Bader’s biggest version yet of the Rich Cream here.

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