
Watch the New Video for ‘Tek’ by Manflu

It seems a long time since people felt the need to rally against the evils of cinema. The last film I can remember anyone giving a shit about in that sense is probably one of the Saw movies and at this point everything from that franchise just exists in my mind as a cynical grey mush with a weird clown in it. They’re not films that I’ll be revisiting any time soon.

Through that prism, the new video by London-based quintet Manflu is a refreshing and vaguely romantic dirge, ten minutes of sturm und drang set to footage of cinemagoers sat hypnotised before the big screen and eventually – SPOILER ALERT – getting shot in the head for their sins. I don’t really know what it all means. Cinemas are bad? I guess all you really need to understand is that it sounds a bit like HEALTH and the apocalypse.

Videos by VICE

Submit further to the evils of escapism by going to see Manflu play live at London’s Hoxton Bar and Kitchen this Thursday night. Get your tickets here.