
Baths’ New Single Will Bring You Some Comfort in the “Big World”

It’s been a while since California producer Will Wiesenfeld has released any music under his Baths moniker. But a little over two years after Ocean Death—his murky 2014 EP—he’s back to making the sort of fluttering tear-jerkers that he’s made his trademark since he first started using the pseudonym back in 2010.

Today, the Los Angeles label Friends of Friends announced that they’d be releasing a compilation called Up Too Early—themed around the vague idea of “morning music”—on January 13 of next year featuring contributions from Daedelus, King Britt, the Album Leaf, and other friends of the label. Wiesenfeld was one of the producers enlisted to lend a track, and his contribution “Big World” is streaming today along with four other selections.

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Baths’ track, like many that he’s released to date, is a crystal clear collection of plinking pianos and blissful harmonies over stuttering drums—the end result sounds something like a gently remixed Ryuichi Sakamoto record. Where Wiesenfeld has always really shined is in his songwriting, and “Big World” continues in kind, detailing the vastness of the expanses beyond your front door, how mind-blowing and terrifying that can be at once—the sort of sentiment that runs through your head again and again as the sun rises after a restless night. It’s a tale of wonder and disatisfaction, the sort of sudden psychedelic realization that’s just beautiful and broken enough to bring you to tears. Needless to say, you’ll want to listen here.