
Deez Nuts

“Every second of the night I live another life/
Deez Nuts that sleep when it’s cold outside/
Every moment I’m awake the further I’m away.”
From their 1985 hit “Deez Nuts”
VICE: After all these years, would you say that you’ve had to let up on the partying?

Videos by VICE

Les: JuJu: A fuck fest? JJ: L: I’ll bet your wife loved that. L: Now that you both have kids old enough to understand, does your family ever give you a hard time about the kind of shit you talk on record? L: Are there any drugs you won’t do anymore? L: JJ: Like beat up a journalist? JJ: But you hate journalists don’t you? JJ: Piss off your neighbors by rocking the new Beatnuts’ album , dropping this Spring on Loud.