
Drank Too Much? These Are the Best Hydration Powders for Hangovers

The Top 5 Hydration Powders for the Best Hangover Cure Ranked

Unless you’re on a cruise, a little hair of the dog is not always the solution to a hangover… especially if the goal is to feel less near-death and/or you have to meet your in-laws in an hour—because that’s just a vicious cycle, baby. You’re better off popping three Advil (not Tylenol), shaking a packet of hydration powder into your Supreme Hydrapak (electrolytes, hell yeah) and chuggin’ like you’re a flip-cup ringer.

Yep, hangovers suck—and I’m always on the lookout for solutions that lessen the blow of the morning after. If you’re a serious hangover expert, you may have tried everything from activated charcoal to Gatorade, and I’m here to authoritatively tell ya: Hydration powders are where it’s at. You can take them on the go, they’re loaded with B vitamins and electrolytes, and best of all, they’ll get you back on track by brunch time.

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Potassium and sodium are the two most important electrolytes to look for in a hydration powder, as they make sure the water gets to the places in your body that need the most. Another important factor in getting back all those vitamins and minerals you pissed away last night is carbohydrates, meaning that hangover bagel also has a scientific role to play in your recovery. Drinking may lower your blood sugar levels, so if you are still hours away from brunch, you should opt for a hydration powder that contains a decent amount of carbs to help that crushing feeling behind your eyes. Our top four brands include all of these necessary ingredients plus some added perks, based on where you’re hurtin’ the most. Godspeed, epic partiers.

Liquid I.V.

If you’ve ever actually gone to urgent care for an IV drip (guilty), you know there’s nothing like the sweet relief when it finally hits your veins. For a similar, much more affordable option, try Liquid I.V. It contains three times the electrolytes of average sports drinks as well as B and C vitamins, which a recent study in The Journal of Clinical Medicine found lessens the severity of hangovers. The lemon-lime flavor is the most popular, but we’re partial to tangerine.


If crippling anxiety is the worst part of your hangovers, we feel you, buddy. Nothing like reliving all of last night’s foggy memories (did I really say that?) while suffering through a debilitating hangover. Just pop a Nuun tablet in your agua, and chill the fuck out, OK? First of all, the flavors from the “Rest” line are Nuun’s two best, IMHO: blackberry vanilla and lemon chamomile. Secondly, they also contain magnesium, which calms your brain and can help to steady your racing heart as you watch back your Instagram stories.


Plink makes cute, refreshing tablets that are less extreme-sports-vibes in terms of added ingredients, but they’re so tasty that they will make it easy for you to keep drinking them. They’re a low-cal, low-sugar option if you are watching your glucose levels, and they use all-natural ingredients, which makes a huge difference in terms of flavor. Pro tip: These make excellent cocktail mixers, so why not get ahead of the problem, ya know?


Coming in with the most exciting flavor options, like mango chili and lemon habanero, LMNT makes high-sodium electrolyte drink mixes with zero sugar or gluten—perfect for folks on keto or Paleo diets. That extra dose of salt and electrolytes will get you on the path to recovery quicker, but if you are sensitive to sodium, this is probably not your new go-to.


If you’re looking for an all-natural product, Hydrant is your best bet. Made with real fruit juice and cane sugar, or monk fruit in no-added-sugar flavors, Hydrant contains all the important nutrients to get you hydrated quickly. The line also offers special sleep, energy and immunity blends with added vitamins and minerals to help you snooze, perk up, or fight off cold season.

So what have we learned? Remember to hydrate while you imbibe, always pack extra hydro-powder, and, come morning, get yourself something salty, greasy, and delicious—stat.

The Rec Room staff independently selected all of the stuff featured in this story. Want more reviews, recommendations, and red-hot deals? Sign up for our newsletter.