
11 Sunny Movies on Netflix to Watch When It’s Raining This Summer

Holy Hell

The summer has officially begun, but the weather hasn’t managed to catch up. Blame it on climate change, blame it on some kind of cosmic retribution for collectively pouring too much attention onto Keanu Reeves, blame it on whatever you want—it doesn’t change the fact that these early summer days have been depressingly filled with rain.

Inevitably, the summer heat will be upon us soon and we’ll all complain about how everyone turns into sweaty jerks when the sun comes out and wish it was fall already. But we may have a few more miserable rainy days until that happens. So in honor of this bizarre, rain-soaked summer season, we here at VICE have dutifully compiled a list of the best sunny, warm weather movies to watch on Netflix until flying beach umbrella season is here once again.

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If You’re Looking for an Adventure

Y Tu Mama También (2001)

This brilliant Mexican road trip drama about sex, growing up, and, uh, more sex immediately pushed Alfonso Cuarón into the spotlight when it hit theaters in 2001 and the director has spent the past two decades proving that it wasn’t a fluke. Cuarón will forever be better known for his work on bigger budget projects like Gravity and Children of Men, but he’s at his best with smaller, more personal works like this and Roma. It’s also one of the greatest summer road movies ever made. Every shot feels sticky with sweat and, yes, sex. What more do you want on some rainy July day?

The Legend of Cocaine Island (2018)

Florida man loses all his money in the recession. Florida man hears urban legend about a guy who buried a million dollars-worth of cocaine in Puerto Rico. Florida man decides to go to Puerto Rico to find it. Hijinks ensure. The Legend of Cocaine Island is one of the most bonkers documentaries of 2018, and it’s streaming on Netflix right now. With a name like that, you can guess what you’re getting into, and The Legend of Cocaine Island delivers.

American Honey (2016)

American Honey may be a darker, meandering, and probably more indulgent movie than Y Tu Mama También, but it’s right up there with Cuarón’s masterpiece as one of the greatest road movies of the 21st century so far. It’s almost three hours long, but it’s paced so well that it somehow never drags. It’ll let you live vicariously through all the highs and lows of a cross-country road trip without the hassle of actually leaving your couch or having to force down another disgusting five-dollar footlong.

Hell or High Water (2016)

Sure, it’s probably best to avoid the whole “setting as character” film cliché but, come on—Texas is definitely a character in Hell or High Water. Every second of Taylor Sheridan’s brilliant crime film captures the feeling and essence of West Texas perfectly. It’s a hot, sticky, dusty spin on the heist genre, and it’ll remind you that Chris Pine can actually act when he gets the opportunity.

If You Want to Be Grateful You’re Not on an Adventure

Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)

Unfortunately, Netflix isn’t streaming the original Chainsaw Massacre from the 1970s, but this 2003 remake is just big, blunt, and scary enough to suffice. Everybody knows the story by now—dumb twenty-somethings on a summer trip stumble into the wrong Texas town and wind up getting brutally murdered by Leatherface, a serial killer armed with, yes, a chainsaw. But the Michael Bay-produced remake takes the premise and just ramps it up to almost campy levels. Do you want to watch someone get hacked to death to Seether and Hatebreed songs? You’ve come to the right place.

Spring Breakers (2012)

Harmony Korine’s demented spring break party movie is exactly what you need to remind you that you’re better off at home instead of taking your friends up on that vacation offer. Plus, James Franco’s knock-off Riff Raff impression is still maybe the best thing the guy’s ever done.

Holy Hell (2016)

In the 1980s, a mysterious, New Age guru with action figure muscles who dressed mostly in Speedos started a small cult in California called Buddhafield. In the beginning, he and his beautiful young followers lived what at first appeared to be idyllic lives—they spent their time meditating and frolicking in the sun and bonding with each other—and it wasn’t until the 2000s that the dark truth behind the guru’s motives came to light. Former cult member Will Allen’s documentary about his time in Buddhafield was a hit when it first premiered at Sundance in 2016, and its just as fascinating and devastating today.

If You Have No Shame

The Mummy (1999)

Remember the Tom Cruise remake? No? Good. Cast that awful film from your mind completely. Brendan Fraser’s goofy action romp from 1999 is the only Mummy movie that matters. It’s part Indiana Jones, part National Treasure, and fully fun. It may not be good by any possible movie standard, but, man, it’s a great way to burn through two hours. Im-ho-tep! Im-ho-tep!

Mamma Mia (2008)

Is it cheesy? Sure. Is it a bad? Maybe. Is it worth a watch? Without question. The first phase of adulthood is admitting you like ABBA, and the second is admitting you like Mamma Mia. Quit lying to yourself. This movie slaps.

If You Want to Get High and Laugh for a While

Wet Hot American Summer (2001)

Try to recapture some small shard of your fading youthful innocence by putting down the vape pen, carving yourself an apple pipe or a gravity bong out of some disgusting Gatorade bottle you found in the trash, and watch Wet Hot American Summer again. Netflix’s 2015 prequel series is a spotty but fun spinoff, but the original is still the best. Be sure to eat the apple after so Mom doesn’t find it.

If You Want to Get High and Question the Very Essence of What a Movie Is Supposed to Be

Miami Vice (2006)

Apologies in advance; this one is a doozy. For some inexplicable reason, Michael Mann decided to make a big-budget action remake of the 1980s TV show, and for some even more inexplicable reason, he decided to make it make it almost entirely gibberish.

Gone are the pastels and needle drops from the original series, replaced by hard, glossy action and Colin Farrell muttering incomprehensibly. In fact, just about no one in this movie speaks clearly. What is even the plot? Nothing makes sense. No matter how hard your try, your mind bounces off it. That’s part of the fun! Just approach the thing like an action-packed zen koan built to break your brain, and you’ll have fun. Or it will destroy you. Good luck!