
Beyoncé Just Started a Blog About Beyoncé

If you go over to Beyoncé’s website, you’ll find that Beyoncé, Queen of all things Beyoncé, has created a new section of her blog unfortunately enough called The BeyHive, which is going to be her personal blog where presumably, she just talks about how awesome it is to be Beyoncé. You have to sign up and there aren’t any entries yet, but it’ll be yet another entry in the extreme cult of personality that Bey has developed around herself (with, we might add, good reason because she is the best).

In other news Beyoncé, the White House released a statement today confirming that Beyoncé did, indeed, lip-sync her performance of the National Anthem at Barack Obama’s inauguration. If we cared as much about stuff like the fiscal cliff and becoming energy independent, well, uh, I guess we’d be blogging about it a bunch?

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