
Bill Belichick Has ‘Bewitched’ His Girlfriend, ‘Body and Soul’

If you’re Bill Belichick, nothing cures the tortured black heart after a crushing Super Bowl loss like a scenic beach vacation. Throw in the company of longtime girlfriend Linda Holliday and some, uh, interesting apparel, and you are on the express train back to a balanced, whatever-normal-is-for-Bill existence.

Holliday posted an image of the two canoodling on her Instagram account on Wednesday, and not only is Belichick rocking some finger sneakers in it, he also is wearing a visor that says “VII Rings,” which happens to be the name of his boat, and a shirt that says “Adapt or Die” with the snake from the Gadsden flag that has been coopted by Tea Partiers. So, it’s a real romantic shot, is what I’m saying.

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Holliday also appended the following message—a quote from Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice—which I am now typing out post-lunch time (east coast bias, sorry not sorry) so you’re welcome:

You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love … I love … I love you!

So, anyway, Happy Valentines Day. Bill Belichick fucks.