The Iron Fist of Tiny Miracle By Esther Pearl Watson March 21, 2015, 6:13pm Share: X Facebook ShareCopied to clipboard Check out Esther Pearl Watson’s website and get her books from Fantagraphics. MoreFrom VICE An anti-natalist protester wears a sign calling for an end to human reproduction (Still from 'I Wish You Were Never Born') Anti-Natalists Wish That No New Person Is Ever Born 12.23.24 By Nick Thompson ASML; Via Internet Archive's Wayback Machine Computer Chip Manufacturer Cancels LEGO Model Orders, Ruins Christmas 12.23.24 By Matt Jancer aydinmutlu/Getty Images Woman Becomes Third Transplant Patient to Get a Pig Kidney 12.22.24 By Sammi Caramela Screenshot: Shaun Cichacki Waypoint Weekend Episode 7: T’was a Few Nights Before Christmas 12.20.24 By Shaun Cichacki