
BrewDog Backs Out of Events with US Beer Company Over Pro-Trump Promotion

Scottish beer company BrewDog is not known for being the most socially aware of alcohol brands—despite its desperate attempts to be seen as such. In 2015, the company made headlines after its crowdfunding advert was accused of transphobia, resulting in a petition that called for it to be pulled and a half-arsed apology from the founders. A month later, BrewDog released a “trans” beer called “No Label beer,” in an attempt to prove allyship… by equating a beer to trans people? Unsurprisingly, that didn’t go down too well, and neither did its 2018 Pink IPA with the tagline “beer for girls.” Sigh.

While BrewDog’s previous attempts at wokeness haven’t been entirely successful, the company is still trying. This week, Brewdog pulled an event partnership with a US beer company after it offered free beers to Trump supporters.

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According to the BBC, the beer company cancelled events taking place this weekend with Scofflaw Brewing Co. after a press release from the US company stated that Trump supporters could get “beered up, redneck-style, free of charge”.

BrewDog founder James Watt said that the post had nothing to do with his company, and that it would be cancelling all the events with Scofflaw.

In a post on Twitter, Watt wrote: “The Scofflaw release was announced without our knowledge or consent. We are in no way aligned with their position and we will of course be cancelling all the events and sending all of the beer back. We care about beer and people. Not hate.”

Scofflaw has also distanced itself from the controversial post, claiming a PR company is to blame for the free-beer-for-Trump-supporters statement. Last night, the company tweeted a clarification, saying, “We did not approve or release said message, and we are working with our PR firm @WelcomeToFrank to fix this error. This post was done on our behalf without our consent or knowledge.”

Someone’s getting fired!!