
Bring Unearthly Sculptures to Life with This Easy 3D Design Software

DoubleMesh simplifies the process of generating intricate skeletal and fluid geometries for 3D printing. Designed by Christoph Bader and Dominik Kolb, who previously worked with MIT Media Lab’s Neri Oxman to “grow” bacteria spacesuits, the working software prototype lets you construct complex, interwoven structures without requiring that you know how to code and 3D design.  

“I am fascinated by the computation of forms and the beauty of shapes,” Bader tells The Creators Project. “More precisely I am interested in processes and algorithms that produce shapes autonomously given a set of parameters.” Over the years, the creative duo, who produce work under the name Deskriptiv, has explored how the combination of generative methods and 3D printing technologies—including procedural modeling prototypes like SimpSymm—can impact the future of design. Explains Bader, using algorithms to build new shapes allows for adaptivity and customization, while 3D printing helps “lift these virtual shapes into the real world.”

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As an information design student, Bader felt limited by the tools available to him. “I thought it was a good idea to better understand how things work. To understand things enables [one] to create. So I became a computer science student,” he says. After immersing himself in the theory side of things, he began to take on creative work again, fusing the two worlds into an exploration of computational and generative design.

In its current iteration, DoubleMesh can generate simple objects such as rings, bracelets, or sculptures. Bader, however, is looking forward to how artists and designers will use the technology in the future, as well as how it will evolve. He’s excited to continue his exploration into generative methods and algorithmic design, because “After all, to create things, enables to understand.”

Click here to learn more about DoubleMesh. 


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