
A Wall Street Banker Went on a Sex-Crazed Killing Spree in Hong Kong

On Saturday, a 29-year-old investment banker was arrested after two dismembered bodies were found in his Hong Kong apartment. Rurik Jutting, a Cambridge graduate who worked for Bank of America Merrill Lynch, is accused of murdering Jesse Lorena and Sumarti Ningsih, who are being identified as prostitutes from Southeast Asia. The scene was straight out of a Bret Easton Ellis book–it’s been reported that one woman was nearly beheaded, and tabloids are saying that cocaine and sex toys were found on the scene.

Jutting called the police to his apartment at 3:42 AM on November 1. While there, they found blood all over the walls and a partially naked dead body in a suitcase. There was another, fresher corpse found with multiple knife wounds to the neck and buttocks. Upon searching Jutting’s phone, the cops came across about 2,000 twisted photos taken with the victims.

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Newspaper editors across the globe are plugging American Psycho references into their headlines, something that Jutting himself would probably consider appropriate. Prior to the arrest, the banker made a bizarre vacation signature on his work email account that said he was out of the office “indefinitely” and suggested contacting someone who wasn’t “an insane psychopath.” He added: “For escalation please contact God, though suspect the devil will have custody. [Last line only really worked if I had followed through.]”

The bespectacled banker, who is from Surrey, England, lived on the 31st floor of J Residence, which the Daily Mail reports is popular with young expat bankers. It’s in Wan Chai, which is known as a Hong Kong red-light district.

A resident of the building told the South China Morning Post,“It was a shock because you would never expect something like this to happen in Hong Kong.” It’s true; even though it’s one of the most densely populated cities in the world, only two serial killers have ever been convicted there.

In 1983, Lam Kor-wan was found guilty of four counts of murder after it was determined he abducted female passengers in his taxi and stored their sexual organs in jars. A decade later, Lam Kwok-wai was arrested and ultimately convicted of committing three murders through brute strength–he called his right hand “the fork.” Both were sentenced to life in prison.

The last high-profile murder case in Hong Kong was in November 2003, when Nancy Kissel murdered her investment banker husband by sedating him with a drugged strawberry milkshake and bludgeoning him to death. Kissel’s defense was that her Merrill Lynch-employed spouse was a crazed, single malt Scotch-addled coke addict who was obsessed with violent sex. Jutting’s case is the most horrifying thing to come out of Hong Kong since.

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