
Cheap Clone’s Video Looks Like It’s From a Kindergarden But Is Catchier Than Cooties

Cleveland poppers Cheap Clone have broken out the marker pens and sketch books for the video for the track “Been Told”. Taken from their impressive demo tape, the video features some nice guitar solos, a slice of 90s fashion in a No Fear shirt, a kid named Poo and a chorus that is catchier than cooties.

It seems the four-piece have become the go to local band for supporting cool band bands coming through town and recently they played with Dick Diver and the Pleasure Leftists. But judging by the quality of some of the songs on the tape they will soon be looking for support bands of their own.

Videos by VICE

We had a chat to the band’s Drew Ritchey.

Noisey: Whose artistic skill were used for the video?
Drew Ritchey: I drew the video myself, though I’d probably refer to it as my “lack of artistic skill.”

Did you really know a kid whose name was Poo?
I wish I knew a kid with that name. The song and video are both full of references to the video game Earthbound. The chorus was swiped from a comic strip about the game called Magical Game Time, so I just ran with that idea.

Cleveland hardcore punk is notorious/infamous but what about the city’s pop scene/history?
My favorite Cleveland pop bands have been things like the Mice, the Wild Giraffes, and the Reactions who were all active in the 80s. Bill Fox of the Mice is still playing and has been a huge influence. There’s also been bands like Coffinberry, the Afternoon Naps, and Herzog who have all made fantastic pop records. There’s so many great bands who know how to write a hook here, it’s pretty awe-inspiring.

The Cheap Clone demo is available from their Bandcamp page.