Check Out the Fifth Episode of ‘The VICE Magazine Podcast’

The VICE Magazine Podcast is your definitive monthly guide to enlightening information. Each episode brings in-depth interviews, sonically rich cultural insights, and a rare glimpse into how we make the issue.

This month, we present the Salute Your Shorts Issue. It’s themeless, but in putting it together, we found a common thread: Many of the stories here focus on heated domestic problems—from Trump’s first 100 days in office, to US deportation policy, to the creation of special units for trans women detained in jails and ICE facilities across the country.

Videos by VICE

Here’s our table of contents:

· Photo editor Elizabeth Renstrom explains where we found this month’s G-string wearing, Hillary Clinton–supporting geriatric cover star.

· Jason Leopold, our Freedom of Information Act expert, takes a close look at the FBI file of a woman behind what’s widely considered the longest political protest in US history.

· Journalist Sarah Esther Maslin talks to Chris Carroll about how US deportation policy is stoking gang violence across the nation, investigating a series of recent murders on Long Island at the hands of the El Salvadoran gang MS-13.

· Erika Allen joins VICE on HBO correspondent Gianna Toboni to discuss how Filipino president Rodrigo Duterte is shaping his country’s history and threatening free press, part of an upcoming episode on the HBO show called Controlling the Narrative.

· Diana Tourjee, a staff writer at Broadly, shares the story of an item Gavin Grimm, a transgender student fighting his school board over bathroom access, gave her after she interviewed him.

You can listen to the podcast through the embedded player below, or you can subscribe on iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher.

But if you’re using a different platform, then this RSS link should let you add the podcast to whatever platform you’d like. And if you like what you hear, please take a moment and review the podcast, especially on iTunes.

Come back in July for the next episode. And did you know you can get 100-plus glossy pages delivered to your doorstep each month by clicking here to subscribe to the print issue of VICE magazine?