
China Is Outraged Because Drunk Men Destroyed This Woman’s Steamed Bun Stand

On the spectrum of drunken douchey behaviour, few acts are as reprehensible as taking it out on the hardworking men and women in hospitality whose job it is to treat said douchebags politely.

Yet, that is the fate that awaits many purveyors of drink and food on the front lines of the service industry, and for whom dealing with drunken belligerence is routine.

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One particularly vulgar display of drunk behaviour came last week in Beijing, where two men proceeded to trash a woman’s steamed bun stand in broad daylight while she looked onhelpless and trying to clean up the mess.

As a nearby onlooker snapped photos, the men threw her baskets on the ground, at which point the more flamboyantly dressed of the two began stomping on the buns with his moccasins and verbally abusing the street vendor.

Though initial reports suggested that the man’s rampage was due to being served the wrong bun filling, local media later confirmed that the incident was, perhaps even more annoyingly, caused by an unrelated fight between the floral-pant-wearing man and his drinking buddies.

The owner of the bun stand, identified only as Wang, was understandably rattled by the experience. “When I watched the news this morning, my first reaction was to cry,” she told Beijing Youth Daily. “I feel particularly aggrieved that it happened not because of buns with the wrong stuffing. I’ve been in this business for many years, I’ve never come across such a reason to smash things.”

If there is one glimmer of light in this story, it’s that it led to an outpouring of support for the bun lady on social media from locals demanding that justice be served to these two vandals. According to reports, Beijing police verified the cause of the incident and identified the assailants. Though at this point, it’s not clear whether charges will be pressed but a settlement is apparently being worked out between the bun stompers and the stall owner.