Climate Change’s Cost, Same-Sex Marriage, and Photos By Frank Ocean: The VICE Morning Bulletin

International News

Climate Change Has Cost the US Billions, Report Finds
The Government Accountability Office said the huge sum had been spent dealing with weather events and wildfires worsened by climate change in the past decade. The GAO report stated: “Climate change impacts are already costing the federal government money, and these costs will likely increase over time as the climate continues to change.”—NBC News

Xi Jinping Woven into Communist Party Constitution
China’s ruling party has voted to include the president’s name and platform into its official charter, the first living leader since Mao Zedong to receive those accolades. Congressional party members agreed to make “Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for the New Era” part of the constitution.—BBC News

Videos by VICE

Syria Accuses US-Led Coalition of Deadly Air Strike
Syrian state media reports 14 people were killed in a strike on a government-controlled area in Deir al-Zor, blaming the attack on US-led coalition forces. The coalition denied its jets had carried out the raid. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said at least 22 people died in the attack, but did not speculate as to who might be responsible.—Reuters

Almost 75 Percent of Australians Turn Out for Same-Sex Marriage Vote
The Australian Bureau of Statistics has estimated that 74.5 percent of eligible voters—or 11.9 million people—have cast their postal ballot in the country’s referendum on legalizing same-sex marriage. The postal vote ends November 7. The latest poll indicates 60 percent have voted in favor of marriage equality.—The Guardian

Everything Else

R. Kelly Accused of Sexual and Physical Abuse
Former Texas radio DJ Kitti Jones has claimed the singer made her have sex with other women. Jones claims Kelly slapped and kicked her and forced her to call him “daddy” during her two-year relationship with the singer.—Rolling Stone

Facebook Experiments with Dual News Feeds
The company is testing out a new approach in six countries, where commercial posts will be kept apart from personal posts by friends. There is speculation the move is a way of getting companies to pay for inclusion in users’ personal News Feed.—Reuters

Original Marilyn Manson Guitarist Has Died at 49
Scott Putesky, better known as Daisy Berkowitz, passed away after a long battle with colon cancer. Manson, who formed Marilyn Manson & the Spooky Kids with Putesky back in 1989, said they “made great music together.”—Noisey

Hunter S. Thompson TV Show in Development
Davey Holmes, showrunner on MGM TV’s Get Shorty, is working on a new series based on Thompson’s life for the same network. The project is provisionally titled Fear and Loathing.—VICE

Frank Ocean Creates Photo Essay, Writes Personal Letter
In a short piece to accompany a 32-page photo portfolio he made for i-D, the artist references Tim Ferriss podcasts and McDonald’s Szechuan sauce. Ocean wrote: “If you liked 2017 then you’ll love 2018.”—i-D