
Cool Runnings Are Done But They’re Going Out With the Most New Zealand Video Ever

They don’t have mohawks and most of them stopped sniffing glue a good while ago, but Cool Runnings are still Auckland’s biggest punks.

Sadly, the four piece are finishing up, but not before going out with somec national pride with a massive video for their song “No Punks” that captures all that is great about New Zealand. From TrueBliss performing the national anthem at an All Blacks game, to Dave Dobbyn doing his slice of heaven, to Jake The Muss, it’s a wall to wall Kiwi-a-rama. Check it below and then go and check the band’s parting EP Welcome to Hell EP that is available now.

Videos by VICE

Also be sure to get to their last show this Saturday when they perform at the NOISEY Auckland City Limits official after party.

Watch the video below and read a short interview with Rory Treadway.

Noisey: The video would give any red blooded Kiwi goosebumps. How’d you select the clips?
Rory Treadway: New Zealand is in the blood. Those clips choose you mate.

What sitcom is that?
That isn’t a sitcom. That’s fucking Shortland Street, New Zealand’s realest primetime hospital drama. That’s Marshall and Delphie having a tender moment. The dude who played Marshall went on to be a huge punk star here with his band Rubicon – and now he’s a big time property dealer who’s buying up K Road and making everybody even more suicidal. Life if beautiful, breathe it in.

Is the rioting related to NZ?
There are clips from the 80s Springbok riots in there. Struggle is real. It’s all fucked.

The band is coming to an end. What have been the highlights?
We once went to Mt Maunganui and played a real fun show for a surf magazine. We went to America too but that was bloody hectic.

The band’s attitude and approach can be summed up by your song titles. “I Want You to Die” “Kill Your Boss”, “Stoned”, and “Blow Up Your Mind”.
Every decision we make it 100% PUNK

Catch Cool Runnings perform their final gig this Saturday at NOISEY’s official Auckland City Limits afterparty at Whammy Bar.