Cosby Juror Says Accuser’s ‘Bare Midriff’ Implied Consent

On Thursday, another juror from Bill Cosby’s recent sexual assault trial came forward to offer a peek into what went down during the tense, 52-hour deliberations, suggesting he doubted accuser Andrea Constand’s story based on the way she dressed.

The anonymous juror—who wouldn’t say whether he wanted to convict or acquit Cosby—told the Philadelphia Inquirer that he was skeptical of Constand’s account because she had willingly visited Cosby at his home and brought him gifts.

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“Let’s face it: She went up to his house with a bare midriff and incense and bath salts,” the juror told the Inquirer. “What the heck?”

He added that Constand shouldn’t have gone to Cosby’s house unless she was “dressed properly and left the incense in the store.” The juror also said that Constand seemed “well-coached” during her two days on the witness stand and that it was really her mother who wanted to go ahead with the trial.

On Thursday, a separate juror told ABC News that the jury had deadlocked when ten wanted to convict Cosby and two refused. But the man who spoke with the Inquirer painted a slightly different picture: Though the jurors had reached that ten to two impasse at one point, he said, opinions later shifted, leaving the room split “up the middle” by the time the judge declared a mistrial last Saturday.

Although the juror said he felt Cosby had already “paid dearly” for his alleged crime and shouldn’t be retried, District Attorney Kevin Steele has vowed to do just that. In the meantime, Cosby’s spokespeople claim the celebrity is planning to tour the country teaching young people how to avoid accusations of sexual assault, because somebody figured that was a good idea.

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