Cringe As A ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Rookie Ranks The Origin Companions By The End Of Act 1

I’m a little late to the ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ party, but I’ve been converted. I understand why everyone loves this game.

Cringe As A Baldur's Gate 3 Rookie Ranks The Origin Companions By The End Of Act 1
Photos By Larian Studios

“Feh, what’s so great about Baldur’s Gate 3 anyway?” I remember saying as I watched the 2023 Game Awards. BG3 cleaned up a substantial amount of awards and ended up on virtually every gaming publication’s Top 10 GOTY lists. It’s no small feat to top “X Best Games Of All Time” lists in under a year of being released.

My partner and I have been in the thick of it for about a month and a half now. We take turns playing and promising not to offer backseat advice for decisions — failing every time. The Half-Drow she made? So stylish. When (or “if,” we’ll see how I feel) I do this again at the end of Act 2, I’ll have to snatch some screenshots for y’all to see!

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Anyway. I’m rambling because I love, love, love Baldur’s Gate 3. …Indeed, it’s somewhere in my favorite games of all-time list and we’re barely in Act 2! Sometimes, you just know! So, we finished Act 1 at around 50 hours in. I won’t speak for my wonderful better half, but we both definitely had thoughts on some of the Origin companions. (I’m sorry, Halsin. I love you, but you can’t be here.) I’m grading on a curve, so bear with me. Let’s talk about ’em. (Spoiler AlertDuh.)

‘baldur’s gate 3’ act 1 origin companions ranking

6. Gale

Photo By Larian Studios

I hate Gale so much. He’s a vain, pompous know-it-all who disgusts me. All your other companions are indebted to someone or are unknowingly part of some heinous group/culture that actually doesn’t have their best interests at heart. Why is Gale there? Because he’s selfish! He wanted to wield the Weave and become the greatest Wizard to ever cast a spell. He explicitly was told to stop being hungry for more, and he didn’t listen.

“I’m a magical nuke, by the way! Forgot to tell you!” When I confronted him about this substantial revelation — rightfully upset — he went into self-pity mode. “Well, I guess I’ll just leave, go to the bowels of the Underdark, find some Mind Flayers, and–and blow up.” Shut up, Gale.

If I were grading on ability and utility alone, though? Gale is cracked. Holy Mother, the guy’s insane when you level him up to, like, Level 3 or 4. We made him the party’s Necromancer. He’s gotten us out of many a sticky situation. Am I open to embracing him past his F-Boy ways? Yes. But he’s got a lot of work to do to win me over.

5. Karlach

Photo By Larian Studios

Wait. I see the torches and pitchforks already. Let me explain! Outside of Gale, everyone else is neck-and-neck in terms of my opinion of them. Karlach is only here because she’s been chillin’ in the background with little character momentum since we got Anders off her back. (A painful encounter, but we got there.)

We’re still working on romancing her! …Which means we’re looking for Dammon because we missed our window for Act 1 when the Tieflings packed up and left the Grove. The Infernal Iron is ready, though! Karlach is adorable. Her quips are great, she’s thoughtful, and she genuinely cares about others.

It helps that she’s a wrecking ball. Man, she’s come in clutch with her multi-attack options. We basically have a tense will-they-won’t-they going on at the moment. I’m sure she’ll have more to do when Mizora inevitably shows up to antagonize Wyll.

4. Wyll

Photo By Larian Studios

I’m so sorry, my Blade. I don’t care what anyone says: Wyll is awesome. The Blade of Frontiers bends to no one! …Except Mizora, but we’re working on that. Wyll is noble, suave, and he lives his life so nobody has to suffer under his watchful eye and sharp rapier. One of the best character moments in Baldur’s Gate 3 for me so far was Wyll explaining why he agreed to be Mizora’s “pet.”

Even though he hates Mizora, if he had to strike a deal with her again, he would in a heartbeat. Just to have the power to be strong where others might be weak and in need. That’s cool! He’d be higher on the list, but he’s also another one who’s been in “character stasis” for a hot second.

We’re looking for his noble papa. Outside of some stuff with Karlach and Mizora in the beginning of the game, he hasn’t had a whole lot to do. Granted, once Wyll hit a certain level? That Warlock class started singin’. Hunger of Hadar? Beautiful AoE spell. I want to see more from the Blade of Frontiers, game! Don’t disappoint me!

3. Astarion

Photo By Larian Studios

The funniest thing about Astarion’s placement is that I didn’t gel with him for at least half of our Act 1 playthrough. We barely used him, we were annoyed when he wanted to talk to us at camp — he just wasn’t clicking. He whined all the time! It wasn’t until he started opening up and showing how much of a number Cazador did on him that he grew on us.

Beneath all the timely quips and japes, Astarion is processing a lot of trauma. Over time, he started to become a genuine companion and friend. …Well, outside of being so thirsty for our blood. But that’s the life of a Vampire Spawn!

Admittedly, we also started getting a bunch of YouTube Shorts featuring Astarion interactions, and he is hilarious. He wasn’t useful until we realized he could dual-wield and be a genuine menace out in those Faerûn streets (and roads). So, I look forward to all the Astarion antics in Act 2!

2. Shadowheart

Photo By Larian Studios

I’m convinced Shadowheart was the first Origin companion Larian came up with. It wouldn’t surprise me to learn she was the mold for the main protagonist because for a long stretch of Act 1, she did feel like the protagonist. She has a substantial amount of relevance throughout the main questline. Everywhere she goes, Shar and her dark doings aren’t far behind!

I didn’t want to like Shadowheart. I knew she and Astarion were the two most beloved companions in the game. You couldn’t throw an e-rock at anything Baldur’s Gate 3 without hitting one or the other. But against my wishes, Shadowheart grew on me. It couldn’t be any more obvious that Shar is playing the poor woman. But I’ll play along for now.

Like, come on. “My God needs me to do missions without access to my memories!” is prime manipulation bait. But I love the subtle undertones of the pitfalls of blind faith and just wanting so badly to believe in something. Shadowheart’s got layers! Also, S-tier Cleric. She even grew through her initial racism against Lae’zel! …Kinda.

1. Lae’zel

Photo By Larian Studios

I’m tired of Lae’zel getting slept on. Lae’zel is the standout of Act 1, and it’s not even close. I wish we had romanced her instead, but these are goals for future playthroughs. Lae’zel had a character arc worthy of fiction’s best. From strong-willed Githyanki Warrior to delusional zealot who realizes everything she’s structured her life around is a lie.

Plus, she’s got a soft center, and I’m a sucker for the “prickly jerk with a heart of gold” trope. Lae’zel stole my heart and refused to give it back. I’ll defend her with my dying breath! …Now, she has been through the wringer in Act 1, so I imagine the game will give her a break and let the other companions have the screen for a while.

I don’t want to argue over this list. Y’all are gonna accept it and drink it in! The best part of games journalism is that I don’t have to go back and forth with you guys! …Yet. We’ll see about a Discord channel in the future so we can all annoy each other.