This story is over 5 years old.


How to Design the Face of a Supercomputer: Video

The swirling, colorful face of IBM’s Jeopardy-machine Watson is part pure representation--of answer confidence, for example--part branding, and, to hear the creators tell it, art. Personally, I think it would have been best to line up Watson’s 1...

The swirling, colorful face of IBM's Jeopardy-machine Watson is part pure representation—of answer confidence, for example—part branding, and, to hear the creators tell it, art. Personally, I think it would have been best to line up Watson's 10 server racks onstage to, you know, keep things "honest," but TV is TV.

IBM’s greatest marketing plan ever has its final Jeopardy showdown tonight. Um, check local listings, if those still exist.

Meet, Cower Before, Watson, the Computer That Beats You At Jeopardy
ONES + ZEROS: Art of Video Games, Watson, Singularity
King Me in the Court of Robots

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Image: Motherboard