This story is over 5 years old.


Output and THUMP Present: Butane

Output and THUMP collabo on an exclusive mix series.

Obviously the team here at THUMP loves to party, and when we're not in the office blasting techno in our headphones, you can usually find us praying to the Funktion-One system at Williamsburg's dance mecca, Output, which is conveniently located down the street. This club is very well on it's way to being the number one spot in all of NYC, if not the entire country, and to help celebrate the awesome programming they've been holding down, we're teaming up on a mix series that will showcase some of the stellar talent consistently found in their four walls. For the first installment, we present a stripped down techno joyride brought to you by Butane, who's label Alphahouse Records has been pumping out techno bangers faster than Technotronic was pumping jams back in '89.


Check out Output's schedule here!