
Greg Hardy Foiled by Apparent Stranger Who Just Happened Put Cocaine Baggy in His Wallet

Man, talk about rotten luck. Former Dallas Cowboy, and eternally the worst, Greg Hardy was arrested in Richardson, Texas following a stop for a traffic violation on Sunday night. Hardy was initially going to get a verbal warning for the violation, but then he consented to a search of his car—lifehack: if you are being asked for your consent, you don’t have to give it—and despite telling police there was nothing illegal in the car, they found a purple baggie with what was later tested to be cocaine residue, a grinder with weed in it, and various ID cards issued to Overlord Hardy, Jr. Despite Hardy’s very reasonable explanation for the coke, he was arrested on a charge of possessing less than a gram of a controlled substance.

The officer asked Hardy about the substance in the purple baggie, but Hardy said he did not know what it was. He said the baggie must have been put in his wallet at a party the previous night when he passed the wallet around because he was paying for everyone, the affidavit states.

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What are the odds? Just think about all the times we’ve all been in the same position, passing around our wallets at a party the previous night because we were paying for everyone and nothing ever gets slipped in there. And the one time Hardy gets pulled over by the cops after he’s done that totally normal and routine practice, somebody dropped a bag of coke without him knowing? Damn.

Hardy posted bond around 6 p.m. Monday evening and was released shortly thereafter.

[Dallas Morning News]