
Daily Horoscope: September 12, 2024

Venus is a major celestial player today as it forms one-half of two potent alignments.

Illustration by Reesa.

When we keep rose-colored glasses on for too long, even the most brightly saturated scenes before us look bleak and drab. As a waxing gibbous Moon squares with Neptune retrograde, a notoriously rosy-hued planet, we will find ourselves at odds with the reality we want and the one we have. The Moon’s sextile with Haumea suggests that our instincts are already leading us in the right direction, but it’s up to our conscious minds to follow.

Read your horoscope for the week, and see what the stars have in store for your sign today. 

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Aries glyph  weekly horoscope

Aries: March 21 – April 19

While it’s true that wishful thinking can take you far, it doesn’t always lead you in the right direction. Your ruling planet, Mars, will stand in brief opposition to the waxing gibbous Moon passing through Capricorn today. Paired with the Moon’s square with Neptune retrograde, the stars indicate it’s time to get your head out of the clouds, Aries.

Taurus glyphs  weekly horoscope

Taurus: April 20 – May 20

A change in perspective is not the death sentence for your former life you think it to be, Taurus. The new outlooks presented by Uranus retrograde might convince you not to return to the past, but it will likely be because the new perspective is more beneficial. You mustn’t let fear keep you from pursuing the possibility of personal growth.

Gemini glyph  weekly horoscope

Gemini: May 21 – June 20

Work doesn’t always come with an immediate reward. Mars and Mercury’s sextile indicates that facets of communication and expansion are going relatively well for you—at the very least, you have plenty of motivation. But a square between Jupiter and the Sun under your sign and Virgo indicates you might not see the rewards of your efforts until further down the road.

Cancer glyph  weekly horoscope

Cancer: June 21 – July 22

Reacting to a reality you wish you had is a far cry from responding to the one that you do, Cancer. The square between the waxing gibbous Moon and Neptune retrograde suggests a challenge between our hopes and circumstances. The stars urge you to push past these frustrations and look at things clearly. Ignorance is rarely bliss. Clarity can be.

Leo glyph  weekly horoscope

Leo: July 23 – August 22

The revelations presented by Uranus retrograde might become more difficult to comprehend as your ruling celestial body, the Sun, forms a tense square with Jupiter. Just because these insights make you uncomfortable doesn’t mean they’re necessarily harmful, Leo. There’s a difference between genuinely being hurt and being challenged. The stars suggest you’re dealing with the latter.

Virgo glyph  weekly horoscope

Virgo: August 23 – September 22

Your desire to fix problems and empower others is certainly admirable, but be wary of overdoing it. Not every problem is yours to fix, no matter how much you’d like it to be. Mercury and Mars’ sextile improves communication and increases motivation for problem-solving, but Jupiter and the Sun, under Gemini and your sign, warn this isn’t your battle to fight.

Libra glyph  weekly horoscope

Libra: September 23 – October 22

A harmonious trine between Venus and Jupiter is fast approaching. Now is an ideal time to start thinking about how you want to use that energy to your advantage. Consider emotional and financial investments that have been waiting on the back burner. You won’t be able to tackle them all at once. You’ll have to decide where you want to start.

Scorpio glyph  weekly horoscope

Scorpio: October 23 – November 21

The square between a waxing gibbous Moon and Neptune retrograde challenges the sextile between the latter planet and your ruling planet, Pluto retrograde. This alignment suggests that your fears and anxieties are holding you back from entertaining the very feasible goals you have in mind. You owe it to yourself not to let this nagging voice win.

Sagittarius glyph  weekly horoscope

Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21

Great prosperity is ahead, but you’ll have to do some hard work before you can get there. As the Sun and Jupiter clash with one another under Virgo and Gemini, respectively, you might feel discouraged by the preparation and planning required to get to the next stage of personal growth. Rest assured: this work will pay off, Sagittarius.

Capricorn glyph  weekly horoscope

Capricorn: December 22 – January 19

Coinciding squares between Ceres-Makemake under your sign and Libra and the waxing gibbous Moon-Neptune retrograde under your sign and Pisces indicate cognitive dissonance. You might think you’re helping yourself by working ahead, overloading your plate, and taking on new responsibilities, but your spirit says otherwise. The stars suggest you readjust your priorities before things really get too much.

Aquarius glyph  weekly horoscope

Aquarius: January 20 – February 18

Your celestial good fortune continues today as Uranus retrograde maintains its trine with the Sun and sextile with Neptune retrograde. The latter alignment isn’t the most active, but it’s pleasant nonetheless. Rather than focus on the rewards at the end of the road, focus on savoring the journey. You’ll get there either way. Why not enjoy it in the meantime?

Pisces glyph weekly horoscope

Pisces: February 19 – March 20

The waxing gibbous Moon is calling us to take stock of our progress on our life path, but Neptune retrograde is making it difficult to take inventory. Now would be a good time to lean on a friend to determine if you’re as far behind—or, conversely, as far forward—as it seems from your perspective. You might be surprised by what you find.