
David Bowie’s “Blackstar” Contains Secrets Nobody Has Discovered Yet

Before his death earlier this year, David Bowie released his final album Blackstar, and in typically clever Bowie fashion, the artwork for the late musician’s final record still contains Easter eggs that fans still haven’t yet discovered.

In an interview with Mary Ann Hobbs on 6 Music, Jonathan Barnbrook, who designed the sleeve for the vinyl release of the album, suggested that there were still a number of symbols that even the most hardcore Bowie lovers had not yet managed to decode. “There are a number of black stars on the album, it’s not just the five on the front – and they do symbolise different things in life […] For instance, there’s the rosette that looks a little bit like a price ticket; this is still a commercial product, you still buy it. There’s the guiding star; that idea of person you follow in your life, the idea of something spiritual that music gives you.” Deep.

He added, “There are a lot of other things going on that aren’t completely at the surface, but I do hope people see them – not necessarily straight away.”

What, then, could these ‘other things’ be? Our two cents is that if you play the vinyl backwards it summons a hologram of 70’s Bowie to do “Rebel, Rebel” in your living room. Yeah, it’s definitely that. 

(Image via YouTube)

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