
Denim & Leather Play Punishing Punk But Thankfully Aren’t Punishing Punks

Image: YouTube

Though Manchester punks Denim & Leather play a crushing take on hardcore, the fact that they don’t take themselves too seriously makes for a refreshing change. You could put it down to that famous sense of British humour and wit but these guys are far from a joke band. II, their appropriately titled second album is available now on vinyl through Milk Run Records and presents more A-grade punk that has been likened to Flipper, Pissed Jeans and ‘Potion For Bad Dreams’ era Void.

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These guy seem like energetic bastards who would be fun to have a cheeky pint or two with.

Stream the album below and read a chate we had with Phil from the band.

Noisey: Does someone say “I’m the wizard” on the opening track “Romance”? Does romance exist?
I believe “Romance’” is a celebration of certain bodily functions and the re-introduction of correlating matter into wildly varying parts of the anatomy. Yeah, that’s Cal our singer, he’s a wizard of the absurd! So absurd that he fully lifted a popular incantation for this very song.
I suspect the the rest of the band’s idea of actual romance is very different to Cal’s.

The photo on the album is amazing. The shirt almost acts as camouflage.
Again, that’s Cal and one of his loud shirts (or it might be a blouse?). I took that picture with my phone. What you can’t see (unless you own the record) is the back cover – where upon the wall – it says in four-feet high letters ‘NO PISSING’ – which Cal managed to completely fail to observe. He’s always drinking in the car on the way to shows which means we have to stop regularly while he handles business. The photo is in an alley in Moss Side – an area in Greater Manchester. Google the history of the place – and you’ll realise why this a risky move on Cal’s part.

The Platt Chapel show looks pretty fun. Is that a typical gig for you guys?
It really depends on where we play. Most shows taking place out of town will be your average folded arms and blank stare (which is totally fine!). Hometown shows are typically a little loose, i think we just have a higher concentration of weirdos here.

The Platt Chapel looks to be sadly now more. What as it like? Was Free Milk part of the chapel?
I don’t know the full back story – but it was being squatted with the inhabitants throwing all kind of parties most weekends. We played there twice – before everyone got booted out by the owner and it’s doors closed. The first time we played we ended up drinking some guys weird homebrew and taking shrooms in the graveyard. The second time we played – the place was rammed and lots of people couldn’t get in. We played in the near dark at 3am and the place went berserk. I saw some nutter dive 20ft from the balcony. That place was awesome.

You’ve played with Poison Idea and Bl’ast! What are your take on these older bands still playing?
I have no issue with it. Go see them or don’t. I hear people complaining about ‘punk’ reunions – but the truth is a lot of people were too young to see these bands the first time around and still want to hear those great songs. Both Bl’ast and Poison Idea killed it when we played with them and I’ve enjoyed both band’s recent recorded output. It is what it is.

‘II’ is avaialble now through Milk Run records.

Denim & Leather play Common Ground Festival Sept 2- 4.