
Destruction Unit’s New Video for “Final Flight” Goes the Fuck in

It’s pretty awesome how much Destruction Unit has blown up in the past couple years. The hardworking Phoenix band has been at it super hard, with some of the most killer shows of the year, branching out into other projects, and generally keeping it real. 2015 is going to be no exception to the fucking shred, with some awesome tours lined up this year and probably a bunch of other shit. Their new video for “Final Flight” is as wild and fast as their music. It’s directed by Cali Dewitt and features the song ramping up more and more with feedback and static getting added into the mix, while the images and sights seen in the video get just as crazy, such as some desert strangeness and Tai Chi. The only thing that would make sense for a Destruction Unit video, is for nothing to make sense.