
‘Disguised’ Kris Bryant Pranks Community College Baseball Team

Oh man, you guys, Kris Bryant is wacky alright. Always pulling crazy clubhouse tricks, chopping it up with the boys. In his latest wild antic, the Cubs third baseman disguised himself as European prospect “Roy Nabryt” (an anagram for Bryant), who is transferring into top DII team Mesa Community College as a sophomore.

The disguise is thin—the team finds out almost immediately after he shows up—but the tension that builds before he arrives is clutch, after the coach drops that players will be getting their playing time cut. “Just be like, dude, you’re like two months late,” one player says, defensively. Another player muttered, “[Coach] said it was a kid, not a man.” After Bryant shows up another player asks, “How old are you?” to which Bryant deadpans, “Sophomore.”

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Despite the fact that people recognized him pretty quickly after that, there was enough time for Bryant to mash some taters before he was fully called out. Delights.