
DJ Deep and Traumer Have Teamed Up For a Hot New Release on Rekids

On a day when we’re all feeling a bit, well, actually very fucking let down by the result of last night’s match and the continued descent we’re collectively experiencing as citizens of a nation that’s going to hell in a handbasket, we really could do with some cheering up.

So thank you, DJ Deep and Roman Poncet for dropping an absolute screamer on Rekids. A new DJ Deep record is always a cause for celebration isn’t it? The Parisian producer and selector’s a firm favourite of ours here at THUMP and when he teams up with Poncet, then you might as well start getting the streamers out. Hell, why not bust out a fresh bowl of jelly and ice cream.

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La Valle La B EP drops on the 1st of July and we’re bringing you an exclusive listen to the seriously bumping A-side. We also had a chat with Deep himself, and you can check out all of that below.

THUMP: Can you tell us a little about your working relationship with Roman Poncet?
DJ Deep: Well it’s a great one! We have a few projects together: our Adventice techno project is a more intuitive thing where we jam beats and sequences most of the time. After a little while we find a direction we like, for example on the last release—The Weeding EP on Deeply Rooted—we wanted to explore a deeper route, something more personal somehow.

Meanwhile our Sergie Rezza collaboration is a more “conceptual” one where we talk a lot about the ideas and feelings we’d wish to express as we experiment with different sounds and ideas. Finally, our Deep and Traumer (for Rekids) or DJ Deep and Romain Poncet (for our St Germain remix) releases feel more like just two DJs trying to design fun tracks to play out!

Where do I need to go to find the best, freshest original club material right now?
I’m not sure if I’m the best person to answer that but I have to say that I find truly great and enthusiastic scenes all across France these days. The whole country has caught up on the house and techno revival nicely, and it’s a wonderful thing to observe!

How’s Paris looking as a clubbing city at the moment?
It’s excellent! I’d say there is a “healthy” competition thing going on. You have Rex that just re-opened with a brand new look and sound, Concrete which is stronger than ever after their awesome Weather festival. I also played for Possession which is an amazing night at Gibus. I love the unique atmosphere and reunion of people they get from various different Parisian tribes.

What’s the deepest question you’ve ever been asked?
Someone once said to me, “Time flies doesn’t it?” Somehow it seems as if there is no present. Having the time to say “I live” and then it’s already “in the past”. It seems like we try to seek a future that we constantly struggle to grab.

La Valle La B drops on Rekids on July 1st.