A Last Ditch Attempt at Summer Adventure

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Did you spend the whole summer marinating in your own juices under the air-con? Same. Seeing as the year’s best season is over, here are some last ditch attempts at adventure so you can really feel like you made the most of it/did one second of physical activity.

Kill Virtual Reality Zombies

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What’s better than hanging out a LAN gaming cafe in the peak of summer? Almost everything. One of those things is Zero Latency, a virtual reality game centre in Melbourne where you can go to kill zombies. It combines the fun of a video game with the physical exertion of a cardio session. Plus you get to wear an Oculus Rift headset, so you’ll feel like you’re from The Future.

Conquer Your Crippling Fear of Heights

It sounds a little like it’s verging on parkour territory, but stick with us. Adelaide’s Mega Adventure Park is a theme park without the novelty soft drink holders (or rides, for that matter). Described as an ‘aerial playground’, the four-level structure is 26 metres tall. Basically, you get clipped into a harness and then you get to go ape. Really—you’ll be like a primate in an enclosure as you swing off rope suspension bridges, free-fall off jumps, and climb vertical cliffs.

Climb a Tree

Not just a regular tree in the park down the street—a forest tree. Trees Adventures have locations in Sydney, Melbourne, and Perth. You’re clipped in (this seems to be a reoccurring theme), then you’re free to climb to the top of the canopy. At their Nowra outlet (located inside a freaking zoo), there’s also 21 flying foxes so you can zip between trees like a goofy but loveable character from a slapstick comedy.

Pay Money to Escape From a Terrifying Situation

You’d be forgiven for thinking that we’re talking about a Craigslist ad. Escape Room is a surprisingly successful franchise in Melbourne where participants willingly lock themselves in a room and have just over an hour to solve puzzles to work out an escape route. Created by two dudes with psychology PhDs, the scenarios are elaborate. This is for you if you’re the sort of person who thrives off stress.

Stay in Australia’s Most Haunted Town

Picton is a tiny town about 80 kilometres southwest of Sydney with the reputation of being the spookiest spot in the whole country. Most of the paranormal activity goes down in the town’s now disused railway tunnel, where people report seeing the figure of a woman in white, flowing clothes. It’s thought to be Emily Bollard, a young woman who was killed by an oncoming train when she was walking through the tunnel. Picton’ s cemetery made national news back in 2010, when tourists snapped a photo that appears to show two ghostly children walking between the headstones. Stay at the Imperial Hotel, where staff often report feeling a presence following them.

The article is presented in partnership with Captain Morgan