This story is over 5 years old.



Not trying to trigger your gag reflex via blog with too many pictures of disgusting toes, but my friend Patrick has been having some podiatrical problems lately as well. Patrick is a really tall guitar playing man who has issues with his feet due to his height and carrying the weight of being the friendliest guy in the Lower East Side. A few months ago, he noticed a callous on his big toe. He picked at it, opened the callous up, and it became like an outer sore. Seemed fucked-up, so he went to the neighborhood doctor and got some antibiotics. The antibiotics didn't work, so he went to Bellevue. They said it wasn't a callous but an arterial ulcer. They gave him a cream and more antibiotics. After using the crap Bellevue gave him it got super swollen and became worse than ever. (I mean, look at it! Does that look like something that a cream could cure?)


A few days later, Patrick went back to the doctor and the callous/sore/hole had closed up and the doctors were amazed that there wasn't an infection anywhere. They did some X-rays anyway, even though it looked good from the outside.

Later on (on his birthday, the bastards), Bellevue called him with the X-ray results and told him that there in fact was an infection that they were unable to detect on the surface. The infection was deep inside the big toe and had already eaten away the bone, so they told Patrick they were going to have to take the toe. This infection was a thinker. It got the doctors to believe it wasn't there, then it ate Patrick's big toe bone while no one was looking. Just closed the sunroof and went to town on all that bone and marrow undetected.

Before throwing up his arms in surrender, Patrick went for a second opinion. The second opinion concurred with the first opinion. If they didn't cut Patrick's market piggy off soon, the infection could spread through the rest of him. Alas, they chopped the poor little fucker off.

Here's the look on Patrick's face when he first saw his foot, sans toe.

Now, Patrick is couch-ridden--has to stay off of his feet for six weeks. This means no money, and he racked up some huge hospital bills. His employers, Fontana's, and a bunch of his fine friends have put together a fundraiser to help the guy out. The evening will be hosted by the hilarious Dave Hill, and there will be an open bar from eight until ten. A whole bunch of raffles and other fun shit will be happening too. Full info below.


105 Eldridge Street
September 27th
$10 - $20 Suggested Donation