
Listen to DVS’s New Track, “Charlie Chaplin (feat. Mae Whitman)”

You probably know of the New York rapper DVS from Twitter, since he is, in this blogger’s estimation, one of the top five tweeters alive and has nearly 10,000 followers for his efforts. But he’s also a whip-smart, crazy-skilled, and incredibly funny spitter and has shared the mic with guys like Lakutis, Antwon, and Mr. Muthafuckin’ eXquire. He’s putting the finishing touches on his debut DVTV, and the latest cut is the Jesstrumentals-produced, punchline punch-up anthem “Charlie Chaplin,” which you can stream below. DVS and I also chatted over email about rap, his superpower to immediately tell if anyone is British, and the concept of “joke rap” vs. “rapped jokes.”

Noisey: People know you more as a Twitter personality as a rapper, so let’s get your rap bona fides out of the way.
DVS: I am DVS, a rap man from Harlem, Uptown New York City, America. I have been rapping for approximately “wild long” and am “very” “good.” I cut my teeth early on at End of The Weak (EOW), NYC’s longest running weekly open mic, plus street corner cyphers and other shit that sounds all sorts of romantic even though really it was mad cold outside a lot of the time and thats some ol bullshit. Eventually I linked up with Majesty, co-founder of Overthrow Entertainment.

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Talk a bit about your punk history as well. You played CBGB’s I know.
When I was like 14-15 I was in a punk/metal band called Homer & The Sexuals because 15-year-olds are smart and great at naming things. We dropped a couple CDs and a video and played our first show at CBGBs. I wore a snakeskin coat because again, 15-year-olds are smart and great. Awhile after that I joined this NYHC band called The Sentinels which was the brainchild of NYC punk mainstay Danny Robo and we dropped a tape and headlined a giant show at that Sam Goody that used to be downtown when Sam Goody was a thing.

“Charlie Chaplin” feels like a pretty indelible shit-talk song. If you had to diss anybody in the world, who would it be?
I REALLY don’t fuck with that movie Donnie Darko. So….Imma go with, “Fuck Donnie Darko and anybody who love him.”

In your ideal reality, what superpower would you have?
I feel like this question presupposes that I don’t got any superpowers. Which couldn’t be more wrong. Like, I can tell if someone is British like almost immediately. Also, if i’m hungry, I just go to the store. Which like…we take for granted
but…if this was feudal Fapan they would think I was a witch for that. So…who’s to say I’m not, really, is my theory.

What’s your day-to-day like?
When I wake up I try to “go in” almost immediately. After a while it becomes time for me to be “on one.” Later on I be more into “doin’ my thing,” and after that it’s more like a “it is what it is” situation.

This tweet has been cited by a couple people as the greatest of all time. DID JOHN ARBUCKLE EVER RESPOND?
Nah but he knows what time it is. I don’t even really be “tweeting” like that, I just more spit gum at the computer and leave the rest up to “web 2.0” nahmean? I just be chewin a lot of gum I think, is what it is.

What are your favorite insults?
If you call someone “The Mayor” or whatever, they get gassed like they’re the mayor for real maybe. Then they realize nah, not even, and they’re fuckin’ crushed. Needa be careful wit that one, fuck around and kill somebody.

Talk about some formative rap records for you.
Not enough people give enough credit to G-DEP’s Child of the Ghetto. When I first heard that shit it fucked my whole head up. He was rappin’ his ass off about bein broke and miserable and he came out ON BAD BOY DURING THE SHINY SUIT ERA. That shit was like a mutiny. Obviously Big Pun’s Capital Punishment, Cam’s Confessions of Fire, so many. A lot of solid gold shit be comin’ out now too, but cats are very concerned with flappin they lips like “NO EVERYTHING SUCKS NOW” because they’re VERY mad they’re not 12-years-old anymore.

How do you think humor and hip-hop interact with each other? Like, what makes a rap good and also funny, but not “joke rap”? Because you are not joke rap, but your raps are definitely funny.
“Joke rap” is like some fuckin’ goober writing a garbage water anthem about Jennifer Lawrence falling down or whatever. Shit that somebody’s aunt goes, “Well Prentis, I can see why you’re always going on about this rap-hop nonsense! It’s fun!” Just tryina capitalize on a built-in audience with fuckboy antics. Generally pretty easy to weed out. Then you’ve got shit like Lonely Island or whatever which is more legit cuz it’s more comfortable in its own skin. Not as much “Joke Rap” as it is “Rapped Jokes.” Subtle difference, but an important one. Good rap that happens to be funny is a whole different animal. Back in the day 50 Cent had a freestyle over an 8ball joint where he singin about bein the “Ghetto PeeWee Herman.” You cant argue with that shit. Thats fuckin gold.

Thank you for your time. Do you have a message for the children?

Drew Millard is Noisey’s Features Editor. He’s on Twitter – @drewmillard