
Dwight Howard Blows Kisses, Does Big Balls Dance after Sinking Free Throws

Dwight Howard is notoriously shitty at free throws. In fact, his career free throw percentage—mind you, when not guarded, and with a full backboard at his disposal—is 56.5 percent. Sure, he’s just an honorable mention in worst foul shooters of all time, but most everyone else on that list is retired.

So when an ejection lets you select an opposing player to take free throws, and Dwight Howard is a choice, who’s it gonna be? No brainer. The Washington Wizards found themselves in that exact situation last night after a brawl nearly broke out on the court.

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Here’s how the fight went down:

Things had been percolating between Wizards center Jason Smith and Hornets guard Michael Carter-Williams before this play after Smith set a hard screen against MCW. After the ensuing layup, the two got tangled up, and Carter-Williams seemed to take Smith down with him as he lost his balance. MCW lunged at Smith and at some point Wizards guard Tim Frazier got into the scuffle as well, and after a big to do, both Frazier and Carter-Williams were sent off.

However, before the scuffle began, the referee called a foul on Smith, which meant two free throws for MCW. But since he got ejected, Wizards head coach Scott Brooks got to choose someone to take the FTs in his place, and of course it was Howard. Who wouldn’t have bet against Dwight Howard at the line? Apparently: Dwight Howard.

It was clearly a blowout and kind of pointless/dickish move from Brooks, so what did Dwight do? Sank them both and started blowing kisses, dancing around, and handing out hi-fives—most people only celebrate half court threes with that much gusto. The man was chock full of gusto. To the point that he even went on with a Sam Cassell big balls dance. Because when isn’t it time for a big balls dance?

Is this the beginning of Howard’s face turn? It’s hard to keep hating a man that joyous and spiteful after sinking two baskets that third graders sink on the regular. Good look.