
Monthly Horoscope: Taurus, November 2021

Welcome to Scorpio season, dear Taurus!
Scorpio and Sagittarius
Robin Eisenberg

Scorpio season finds the sun lighting up the relationship sector of your chart, making it an exciting time for you to connect with people, Taurus!

The sun in Scorpio doesn’t do anything half-way, so the connections you form now are likely to be deep and meaningful. Whether you’re connecting with new people or focusing on established partnerships, Scorpio season finds you especially focused on learning more about others, partnering up, and strengthening bonds. It’s exciting for your love life, and also your creative collaborations and business partnerships. 


Communication planet Mercury, currently in Libra, connects with lucky Jupiter in Aquarius on November 1, finding you thinking back to September 20 and October 3. It’s an exciting time in your career, and to develop ideas and projects. Mercury squares off with Pluto in Capricorn on November 2, finding you thinking back to September 22 and October 1; important information may be revealed at this time. A philosophical breakthrough can take place, resulting in a change to your routine or habits. 

A fresh start in your relationships arrives with the new moon in Scorpio on November 4! This is a lovely opportunity to start anew. A special meeting may take place at this time, a relationship could be beginning, or you and a partner might be taking a new approach to things. While this is a busy time for partnering up, maintaining your freedom and flexibility are also key as the sun opposes Uranus, currently in your sign, finding you eager to get away from anyone making you feel smothered or controlled. Healthy interdependence is a wonderful thing to meditate on during this new moon!

Your ruling planet Venus enters fellow earth sign Capricorn on November 5, bringing new opportunities in love and money your way! You and your partners are connecting on a deep, intellectual level, and it’s also an exciting time to travel with the one you love. If you’re in a long distance relationship, Venus in Capricorn could be especially beneficial as lovely news from abroad comes your way at this time. Mercury enters Scorpio also on November 5, boosting communication in your partnerships, and the mood is especially social as Mercury meets Venus on November 6. 


November 10 is a complicated day for communication: While your partners may be expressing something powerful as Mercury meets Mars in Scorpio, you may also experience impatience or irritation as Mercury and Mars square of with Saturn in Aquarius on November 10. This could bring delays or obstacles around communication or actions you want to take. Easier energy flows as the sun connects with Neptune in Pisces on November 12: The mood is friendly and understanding, and there’s a feeling of unity in the air. Unexpected news is shared on November 13 as Mercury opposes Uranus…and you may be the one sharing it! Surprises could pop up, too, so keep your plans flexible. 

The sun squares off with Jupiter on November 15, creating an optimistic atmosphere—but watch out for the tendency to over-do things at this time. The sun connects with power planet Pluto on November 16, finding you and your partners having important conversations, and perhaps connecting you with influential people. Tempers are short as Mars opposes Uranus on November 17: An unexpected argument may arise, especially if you’re feeling smothered. Easier energy flows on November 18 as Mercury connects with Neptune, and people are much more sympathetic. Mercury is the planet of communication, and Neptune of fantasy: It’s a great time to discuss hopes and wishes with the people you care about. 

The lunar eclipse in your sign, Taurus, arrives on November 19, and your ruling planet Venus connects with Uranus. Eclipses are highly emotional periods that often create a strong dividing line between the past and the present. Because this eclipse is in your sign, who you were yesterday may feel extremely far from who you are now! This is a powerful time to make radical changes in your relationships. Information is coming to light, and you may learn something about yourself that you never realized before. Your ruling planet Venus making a helpful connection to electric Uranus, inspiring unexpected thrills, novelty, and adventure. This is a thrilling moment to explore all the world has to offer you!

Mercury and Jupiter square off on November 20, finding your partners in an especially expressive mood, and Mercury connects with Pluto on November 21, which is excellent for research. Sagittarius season begins on November 21, finding the sun illuminating a financial sector of your chart that deals with debts, taxes, and money you share with other people. You’re sorting out paperwork and having conversations about these themes as Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 24, and the sun meets Mercury on November 28, helping you realize something important about these themes, or perhaps enacting a new financial structure.

Mars connects with Neptune on November 29, inspiring a creative, imaginative atmosphere. Mars is the planet of war, but Neptune is all about peace: When these planets are working together harmoniously, the mood is productive and proactive, and our energy to fight is funneled toward good causes. This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with groups that are working toward causes you are passionate about. November 30 finds Mercury connecting with Saturn, Venus with Neptune, and the sun with Saturn. Mercury and the sun’s connection with Saturn brings a sense of stability as you work on projects that aren’t totally in your control, and Venus’s connection with Neptune adds a dash of romance to the end of the month. It’s a lovely time to connect with friends, talk about your dreams and wishes, and engage in flirtatious banter…enjoy!

Good luck this month, Taurus, and see you in December!