
Electric Zoo Returns Today with More Safety, Security and Scrutiny

Electric Zoo opens today on New York City’s Randall’s Island amid heightened scrutiny from the City and the festival’s newest animals: New York media vultures.

This morning, against the backdrop of a clear blue sky and atypically perfect late summer weather, select outlets including THUMP, were given a preview of this year’s new security features (high tech, sophisticated) and a glimpse at this years stages (noticeably smaller than years before).

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As previously announced, festivalgoers will be greeted by a cadre of security including NYPD officers, drug-sniffing dogs, medical personnel in addition to festival security. As of press time, Zoo organizers were in discussions with NYPD regarding the option of pre-entry “amnesty bins” where “contraband” can be disposed of, no questions asked.

The deaths of fans Olivia Rotondo and Jeffrey Russ at 2013’s event led to the cancellation of the third day and prompted ongoing conversations about how to keep festival goers safe (and alive). This summer, nearly every major festival—from Electric Daisy Carnival Las Vegas to VELD in Toronto to Mad Decent Block Party outside Baltimore—has had a drug-related fatality. Partly due to its location in North America’s media capital, Electric Zoo has faced greater scrutiny than the others, despite its reputation for being a leader in matters of safety with free water refill stations and visible “Help Point” tents a staple at past events.

The camera crew-armed birds of prey circled the festival grounds this morning, capturing b-roll to be used either in midday newscasts or later in case of catastrophe as event reps detailed new safety measures. Those measures include 12 aerial cameras designed to locate any troubled attendee on the grounds and over 50 civilian “zookeepers,” mostly college-aged pre-med and med students trained to help anyone who need some water, a Band-Aid, or more serious help.

While there is still much debate within the dance music community about how to address issues of drug use, one thing is clear: nobody is doing more about on-site security and pre-show awareness than Electric Zoo. For now, it’s up to every raver to do their part and make good choices this coming weekend. 


More Zoo: 

THUMP Presents: Rave Safety Tips
“Come to Life,” Electric Zoo’s Anti-Drug PSA Has Leaked 
Here’s the Freshman Class of Electric Zoo 2014
The Guy Who Got Electric Zoo 2013 Shut Down Just Got Caught