
Elton John Is the Biggest Bon Iver Fan Ever

elton john and bon iver's justin vernon

Elton John hosts a radio show on Apple Music’s Beats 1 called Elton John’s Rocket Hour where he selects an eclectic mix of his favorite songs and occasionally interviews artists. This week, John has Bon Iver’s Justin Vernon as a guest and the result is not so much an interview rather than the singer behind “Rocketman,” “Candle In The Wind,” and “Your Song” enthusiastically gassing up Vernon’s entire career. John is clearly a huge fan, opening the interview practically gushing, “I’ve been a fan of yours for so long—and it’s such an honor for me to talk to you. Oh my God, your new music is so fantastic.” Keep in mind, this is music legend Elton John freaking out about Bon Iver. What a world.

It’s actually pretty charming to hear John heap Vernon with such effusive praise. At one point, he says to a stunned Vernon, “To me, I haven’t heard this consistent songwriting since Music from Big Pink, which is one of the reasons that I fell in love with The Band.” For his part, Vernon is very gracious about the onslaught of compliments, saying, “That’s so kind. You’re so kind, Elton. I’m blown away.” Later on in the interview, the two make tentative plans to sing a song together on Bon Iver’s upcoming tour and John ends the chat with, “I love you. Take care. Give my love to the band.” Listen to the whole thing below.

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