Enrol, Update, Vote: We’re Blacking Out VICE For Marriage Equality Tonight

You know what sucks? An optional, non-binding, statistical postal survey that will be used to get an indication of Australia’s views on marriage equality, which will inform whether or not the government puts forward a bill on same-sex marriage, which will then be voted on in parliament. It’s pure politics, it’s convoluted, and it comes with a $122 million price tag.

But it’s also been purposefully designed to make sure young people don’t vote.

Videos by VICE

Because the powers that be know young people will overwhelmingly vote “Yes” when it comes to the question of marriage equality in Australia. Some 85 percent of Australians between 18 and 34 years old support it.

That’s why tonight, along with our friends at Pedestrian.TV, Broadsheet, Junkee, and FBi, VICE will be blacking out. Instead of reading our content, we want you to head over to the Australian Electoral Commission website and make sure you’re enrolled to vote. Do it right now.

How to Check, Enrol, and Update Your Details

Head to the AEC website to check your details are all up to date. If you’ve never voted before, or you’re not sure you’re enrolled, click here to get on the roll.

You can also call the Australian Bureau of Statistics at any time on1800 572 113. If you’re overseas, you can still call the ABS on +61 2 6252 5262.

If you don’t enrol by midnight on August 24, you won’t be eligible to make your voice heard in this postal survey.

And that’s exactly what they want. They don’t want you to enrol, they don’t want you to vote. They don’t want you to wield influence over the political system. Because then the agenda will have to change.

The reality we face is that if we don’t get enough young people on the electoral roll, there’s a good chance this vote could fail. Because you know who does vote in optional, non-binding, statistical postal surveys? Old people. And they are the far more likely to vote “No.”

Right now, not enough young people are enrolled to vote. Australians between 18 and 24 years olds have the lowest enrolment rate of any age group. There are four times as many people 60+ on the voting roll. Some half a million people under 40 aren’t even signed up.

So update, enrol, and vote. Even if you’re interstate or overseas, you can take part in the vote. Even if you think it’s all a big waste of time and money, you should still vote.

Because they are counting on young people not voting.

Check you’re enrolled here. Enrol here. Update your details here.