Epicly Later’d



By Patrick O’Dell

These are pictures from Skatopia, a skate park/farm/anarchy commune in Rutland, Ohio. I went there a few weeks ago to film some stuff for a weird TV show unrelated to my own weird TV show. I’ve been there before, maybe three times, but that was in the 90s and I was younger and drunker. I actually vowed never to go there again—or at least not to the parties they have there. I always felt like I was gonna get killed or beat up at any second. But this time around it was actually nice, maybe because it was the middle of winter. I got to skate a little, pet some dogs, and sit around a furnace, and I made a friend named Convict, who told me he went to jail for nonpayment of child support and also for shooting a “nigger.” But regardless of our obviously vast differences, he was the guy I liked the most there. I mean, could you go to jail for two worse things? But he’s more complex than that, or maybe more simple, or maybe he was just too good a storyteller. I wished I’d filmed the trip for Epicly Later’d, but I didn’t. Hopefully I will go back soon.

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