
PREMIERE: Eternal Khan’s Blackened Doom Blossoms on ‘Lost in the Night of Ages’

Much like most of the heavy bands you’ll find coming out of Providence, RI—The Body. Churchburn, Pilgrim, Howl, Sin of Angels, upteen others—Eternak Khan fucking shreds, in a thoroughly bleak, heavier-than-heaven kind of way. I’ve always had a good time in Providence, but I’m clearly missing something—it can’t be all pizza and gallery openings, otherwise how would you explain the preponderance of utterly miserable bands that make their home there?

Eternal Khan don’t offer any answers on Lost in the Night of Ages, just note after note of solid, occasionally melodic, thoroughly blackened (and bass-free!) doom. The trio’s new album is an entirely DIY affair—self-produced, self-funded, independently released, and thereby completely under their control—which is common in the underground, but always nice to see in an age when the mainstream continually serves up staged surprise releases and phony sex tapes. It’s a heavy, passionate, well-balanced record that, despite its lack of bass guitar, both crushes and crumbles with brutal grace.

Videos by VICE

Lost in the Night of Ages. is out May 13, and will be available via their Bandcamp page; preorders are up now, and we’re streaming the whole shebang below.

Kim Kelly has been stanning for this band since way back; she’s on Twitter.