
These Experimental Sculptures Will Change the Way You See Books

The Any Given project is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of everyday objects. Last year dozens of artists repurposed Post-Its into unique works, displayed in the Any Given Post-It show. This year, White Noise Gallery in Rome has selected the book as the next everyday object to be morphed and adapted by 50 artists from 10 different countries.

Any Given Book will bring together painters, sculptors, photographers, street artists, and performers, all finding something unique in an object. White Noise Gallery describes it as the “most executive and symbolic objects from everyday life.” Any Given Book will feature wide range of creative inspirations from sculptures and dioramas to labyrinths and kaleidoscopes. The artists curated by White Noise Gallery take inspiration and materials from the books themselves. Participants use everything from dusty old tomes to comic books in an effort to challenge the idea of what a book can be. So it’s an exercise in not judging books by their covers, but what an artist can make with them.

Videos by VICE

Daniele Aimasso – Don’t read me (Artist Book)

Jennifer Collier – Paper Microscope (Auguries of Innocence, W.Blake) 2

Jeus Herrera Martinez -Todos los libros (futuros y pasados) de Sidsel Falsig Pedersen (all Sidsel Falsig Pedersen’s books)

Julia Ganotis – Kalevala book (Kalevala,  Elias Lönnrot) 3

Luca Di Luzio – ΚNΩΣOΣ – (Labyrinth + Artist Book) 1

Marco Minotti – Farmals (Animal Factory, Orwell)

Matthew Cusick – Hyboria (Conan the Barbarian, Robert Ervin Howard)

Meg Hitchcock – The Most Secret and Supreme Truth (from the Mahanirvana Tantra) – (Ancient German Bible) 2

Micaela Lattanzio – Incipit (Divina Commedia, Dante) 1

Roberto Fanari – composizione n°1 (Artist Book)

Sebastiano Dammone Sessa – Piccolo girone organico (Divina Commedia, Purgatorio, XVI, 97) 2

Solo – Smascherato (Spider Man Classic – 1993)

Stefano Gentile – ADAPTABILITY (On the Origin of Species C. Darwin)

Vincenzo Russo – Bibbia 2.0_3_2016 (Bible) 1

Pax Paloscia – Tropica notte (Artist Book) 3

Any Given Book opens June 16th and will be on display at The White Noise Gallery until the July 31. For more information about the show click here.


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