
Feist and Broken Social Scene Give Us All a “Hug of Thunder” On New Song

Despite her intimate, carefully arranged solo music, Leslie Feist’s showcases in Broken Social Scene have typically found her rocking with abandon in songs like “Almost Crimes” and the deathless “7/4 (Shoreline).” For “Hug of Thunder,” her triumphant return to the BSS fold on the group’s upcoming album of the same name, Feist is toned down, her close-miked voice hugging (shhhhhhh) the chug of the synthetic rhythm section in the verses. This being BSS, there are still moments of grandeur, like the part where enormous toms splash around a choral burst, and looseness, like when a stray Feist line gets caught in a reverb-heavy delay loop towards the end.

The band premiered the song on Zane Lowe’s Beats 1 program, and the DJ spoke with BSS head Kevin Drew about the new album. You can find that interview and “Hug of Thunder” below.

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Phil definitely once ripped off the “KC Accidental” riff when he was a kid. He’s on Twitter.