
Firsties and Faves: Public Access T.V.

Public Access T.V. were alright with just hanging out on the tip of your tongue for a while. The up and coming New York City-based band even went so far as to release tracks on Soundcloud without their name attached to it so they could test the waters before nosediving into full-time rock ‘n’ roll. But on the heels of a buzzing European praise, Public Access T.V. have unveiled themselves as a band with the potential to usher in the second wave of New York’ indie rock (or is it third or fourth wave? We’ve lost track at this point).

We’ve been crushing on the quartet at Noisey since their first song “Monaco,” an affection that was solidified this past December with the single “In the Mirror.” This week they dropped their eponymous EP, headed up by “Metropolis,” the band’s love-letter to the city which goes heavy with the east village new wave vibes. And speaking of the east village, if anyone’s been paying attention the city’s local news, back in March when four buildings on East 7th and 2nd went up in flames due to a gas leak, well, one of those apartments was home to several members of the band (and the former Virgins frontman Donald Cummings). Thankfully, everyone was on tour in California when the explosion took place. We spoke to singer John Eatherly about a few of his firsties and faves, from crushing on cousins to one member of the band breaking their dick. Yikes.

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Favorite fictional crush:
Jessica Rabbit.

First music that blew your mind:
The sound of the ice cream truck

Favorite accident:
When our bassist max broke his dick while fucking. He ended up at Woodhull Hospital, where the doctors did a marvelous job. But he had to wear baggy basketball shorts all summer to hide his catheter. On any given day you could see him ambling to the neighborhood bar, leaning on his cane and having to stop every few minutes to rest.

First fantasy:
​I was a wounded soldier and crystal Beth was my nurse.

Favorite person in the band:
I hate them all equally.

First heartbreak:
My cousin crystal Beth

Favorite face:
Mickey Rourke.

First regret:
It’s a toss up — either the time I microwaved my lizard because I thought he was cold or when I found out turtle shells weren’t removable. I also still regret letting crystal Beth go.

Favorite body part:
Max’s new penis.

First drug:
Whatever my mom was taking when she was pregnant with me.

Favorite taste:
A cigarette after brushing your teeth.

Favorite dance move:
The dice roll.

First disaster:

Public Access T.V.’s EP is out on Terrible Records now.