
Former Subway Spokesman Jared Fogle Now Serves Sandwiches in His Prison Cafeteria

Subway Jared became famous for losing a ton of weight by subscribing to a Subway-only diet, and he subsequently managed to turn eating sandwiches into a full-time career. The curtain crashed, though, this past year when he was arrested and sentenced to 15 years in jail for having sex with underage girls and collecting child pornography. But according to TMZ, Jared is back doing what he does best: slanging subs. Though this time, it’s in jail.

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Jared Fogle was previously assigned to the inmate cafeteria at the Federal Correctional Institution Englewood, where his primary duty was serving sandwiches. TMZ says that prison officials were “giggling over the irony,” but other inmates thought Jared was getting it easy. After Jared was beat up by a fellow inmate in January, he was transferred to the cafeteria reserved for correctional officers. Steven Nigg, the felon who beat up Fogle, said he did so for the families of those abused by Jared.

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In a way, Jared is once again the beneficiary of sandwiches. Working in the correctional officers’ cafeteria, where guards are served steak, is something of a promotion.

Since going to prison, Jared has been packing on the pounds. According to reports, he put on 30 in his first three months in jail, largely due to depression. Long gone are the days when Jared ate nothing but veggie and turkey subs at the Indiana University campus subway, working his way down from 425 to 245 big ones.

“Jared’s breakfast is usually Frosted Flakes with fruit or oatmeal with cake. He loves ‘cake day’ in the dining hall twice a week and he buys Honey Buns by the box, as well as other pastries, in the commissary on his weekly shopping day,” a source told In Touch Weekly. “He’s been known to eat an entire box of eight at one sitting!”

ON VICE.COM: Subway Jared Allegedly Got Beat Up in Prison

Honey Buns sure beat prison loaf, the tasteless black hole of nutrition that was recently removed from prison menus in New York for being cruel and unusual, but they’re no substitute for a foot-long Italian BMT or Meatball Marinara. For Jared, those delicacies are but memories from a distant past. For now, Fogle has 15 long years to reminisce about the sweet oven-baked smell of Subway bread.