
Monthly Horoscope: Gemini, November 2021

Welcome to Scorpio season, dear Gemini!
Robin Eisenberg

Scorpio season is a transformative time of year for you, dear Gemini, a fantastic opportunity to quit old habits and begin new routines that better support your health and happiness.

In addition to wellness, productivity is also on your mind, and you’re thinking about which projects you want to focus your energy on, especially in your career. Your ruling planet Mercury is busy at the start of the month as it reconnects with planets it engaged with during last month’s Mercury retrograde. This can find you finally moving forward after a period of delays or reconsiderations, especially in your love life or creative projects. On November 1, Mercury in Libra connects with Jupiter in Aquarius, bringing an open-hearted and adventurous atmosphere, and finding you thinking back to September 20 and October 3. Mercury squares off with Pluto in Capricorn November 2, and you’re thinking back to September 22 and October 1: This is a powerful moment to research, explore hidden things, or share secrets. You might be having intense conversations about what’s truly important to you!


The new moon in Scorpio arrives on November 4, activating the sector of your chart that rules your daily routines and rituals. This is a great time to redo your schedule and consider how you want to organize your days. Again, Scorpio season finds you focused on wellness while getting work done: This new moon is a great time to figure out how you can be productive while carving out time to take care of yourself, to rest, and simply enjoy life! A new gig or job could come your way, or you may begin a new project during this new moon. The sun opposes Uranus in Taurus on this day, too, finding you eager to abruptly drop out of a project you’ve been working on. You’re ready to break free from whatever’s been holding you down, eager to do things your own way. Make your expectations clear as you embark on new projects.

Venus enters Capricorn on November 5, bringing some financial blessings your way: A debt may be forgiven, or an easy energy can flow around discussing money with your partners. Emotionally, Venus in Capricorn urges you to get real about your deepest wishes and desires. It’s a powerful moment to explore your fantasies in your intimate relationships. Also on November 5, Mercury enters Scorpio, helping you get your schedule and daily routine organized. Mercury and Venus connect on November 6, creating a helpful, productive, and friendly atmosphere. 

November 10 is complicated: While Mercury meets Mars in Scorpio, bringing an energy of productivity and efficiency for problem solving, there may be some obstacles or a feeling of impatience and frustration as Mercury and Mars clash with Saturn in Aquarius. People might be grumpy! An exciting new project can begin, but the outside support you need might be difficult to access at this time. A much more relaxed energy flows on November 12 as the sun connects with dreamy Neptune in Pisces. Creativity abounds and you’re feeling glamorous and popular, especially in your career. Unexpected news or changes to your schedule may come up as Mercury opposes Uranus on November 13. Make time to connect with your inner voice; your imagination can lead you someplace surprising at this time. 


The sun squares off with Jupiter on November 15, encouraging you to branch out from your everyday routine, and the sun makes a helpful connection with Pluto on November 16, bringing a transformative atmosphere that’s wonderful for making changes. Watch out for unexpected arguments as Mars opposes Uranus on November 17: You may decide to walk out of a project, especially if your time and energy isn’t being respected. A smoother energy flows as Mercury and Neptune make a harmonious connection on November 19, boding especially well for your career: Your imagination is inspired, and you’re coming up with fantastic ideas!

The lunar eclipse in Taurus lands on November 19, and Venus connects with wildcard Uranus: Eclipses are emotionally intense periods, and this one finds you sitting with feelings you’ve long ignored. Make plenty of time for rest. This eclipse calls you to engage in deep relaxation. It’s a powerful moment to engage in your spiritual practice. Take note of the symbols that show up in your dreams, and carve out space to explore hidden parts of yourself. Venus’s connection with Uranus inspires an experimental atmosphere that’s wonderful for enjoying novelties and exploring your most private fantasies…so try something new and delightful.

Mercury squares off with Jupiter on November 20, and it’s an excellent time for brainstorming: Big ideas are born, and you’ll have a good sense of which concepts to pursue as Mercury connects with Pluto on November 21. Also on November 21, Sagittarius season begins, finding the sun illuminating the relationship sector of your chart and making it an exciting time to meet new people and connect deeply with your partners. Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 24, boosting communication in your relationships, and an important new conversation or meeting of some kind takes place as the sun and Mercury meet in Sagittarius on November 28.

Mars and Neptune connect on November 29, finding you enjoying a boost in popularity, especially in your career. Creative breakthroughs take place and you’re wowing people with your imaginative ideas! Neptune is the planet of dreams, and Mars of war: You’re energized to make your visions come true. November 30 finds Mercury connecting with Saturn, Venus with Neptune, and the sun with Saturn. Mercury and the sun’s connection with Saturn brings a supportive atmosphere, especially in your relationships, and Venus’s connection with Neptune inspires someone to believe and invest in you! Inspiring connections are likely to take place.

Good luck this month, Gemini, and see you in December!