
Monthly Horoscope: Capricorn, November 2021

Welcome to Scorpio season, dear Capricorn!
Scorpio and Sagittarius
Robin Eisenberg

Your popularity soars as the sun move through Scorpio! It’s an exciting time of year for you to network and join groups or organizations that share your hobbies and interests.

You’re feeling inspired to think about the future, and it’s is a lovely moment to create a vision board of how you envision the next chapter of your life. Scorpio is the sign of transformation, and Scorpio season finds you exploring all sorts of potential. Exciting conversations about money or your career take place as Mercury in Libra mingles with Jupiter in Aquarius on November 1, and you may find yourself thinking back to October 6 and September 20 at this time. Mercury squares off with Pluto in Capricorn on November 2, also finding you thinking back to October 3 and September 22, and the conversations that take place right now could be quite intense. Pluto doesn’t do anything halfway, and as it squares off with messenger planet Mercury, secrets, wishes, and the other side to half-truths are exposed.


The new moon in Scorpio arrives on November 4, finding you entering a new social circle. A new cycle is beginning in your friendships! You may also be exploring new ideas or joining a cause, or feeling inspired to work toward effecting change in your community. Seemingly impossible things can take place, as this new moon finds the sun opposing electric Uranus in Taurus. Surprises pop up in your love life or creative projects, and it’s an exciting time for experimentation. 

You’re feeling especially attractive as Venus enters your sign on November 5! Venus in your sign is a wonderful opportunity to make introductions, flirt with your crush, connect with your partners, and generally show off—you have a lot to boast about, after all! Venus is the planet of love and money, and while it’s in your sign, Capricorn, you’re getting clear on what you want and need when it comes to financial security and your relationships. This is the time to make your needs known. Also on November 5, communication planet Mercury enters Scorpio, sparking even more activity in your social life. It remains an exciting time for introductions, especially when Mercury connects with Venus on November 6, creating an especially cheerful atmosphere.

Mercury and Mars meet in Scorpio on November 10, which could reveal some intriguing information. It’s a great time for research—but watch out for impatience or irritability, as people may be a fired up at this time! Also on November 10, Mars squares off with Saturn, finding people frustrated that things aren’t moving as quickly as they might like. Being patient is the best way to work with this energy. Watch out for arguments about money or other types of investments (like of your time and energy). You may feel inspired to rework your budget and think about your long-term plans.


Saturn’s energy can find us confronting issues regarding limitations, responsibilities, and fears, but the energy shifts as the sun makes a harmonious connection with Neptune in Pisces on November 12. Neptune is all about unity, and as it connects with the sun, an inspiring, healing, and transcendent atmosphere arrives. This is a wonderful moment to connect with your intuition and creativity. Mars square Saturn may have found you feeling stuck, but the sun’s connection with Neptune is all about flow. In your relationships, romantic or otherwise, you have supportive conversations about emotions and your wishes for the future.

Surprising news arrives on November 13 as Mercury opposes Uranus. A eureka moment about your love life takes place, or a creative breakthrough finally appears. Stay open-minded and keep you plans flexible. The mood is optimistic on November 15 as the sun clashes with Jupiter, and some exciting news about money might arrive—but do try to keep your spending in check, as you might be loose with your budget at this time!

You’re all about strategy on November 16 as the sun mingles with power planet Pluto, and you may connect with VIPs at this time! Unexpected arguments take place on November 17 as Mars opposes Uranus: People are itching for freedom and flexibility, and situations where people feel limited may reach a breaking point at this time. A breakup could take place, but a more unifying energy flows on November 18 as Mercury mingles with Neptune. People (including you!) will feel much more sympathetic and solution-oriented at this time. As Mars opposes Uranus, some extreme actions could be made, as people are more spontaneous than usual—but Mercury’s helpful connection with Neptune helps people slow down, discuss their emotions, and focus on bringing things together. You are reminded just how important it is for you and your partners to have space and independence, and if relationships are to continue, you must both be able to communicate without feeling judged.

An exciting lunar eclipse in Taurus arrives on November 19, finding Venus in a harmonious connection with Uranus: This may be one of the most thrilling full moons for your love life in quite a while! The mood is all about novelty, experimentation, surprise, and thrills! A major climax, pun absolutely intended, will likely take place. Full moons are all about emotional release, and this one finds you sharing how you feel with someone. You can release your fear of the unknown, and feel ready to explore something you weren’t brave enough to face in the past. Aside from your love life, this is also a big moment for your artistic endeavors. You’re finding inspiration in unexpected places and may be releasing an important project at this time. Do you feel like you’ve been having enough fun lately? If not, set your responsibilities aside and let loose, Capricorn! 

Big ideas are shared on November 20 as Mercury clashes with Jupiter—but watch out for exaggerations, especially when it comes to financial communications. Information is clearer on November 21 as Mercury connects with Pluto, helping you access information that may have previously been obscured or overlooked. Also on this day, Sagittarius season begins! The sun in Sagittarius lights up a highly private sector of your chart, finding you eager to catch up on rest and quality time alone. Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 24, encouraging you to connect with your inner voice, and profound realizations take place as the sun meets Mercury on November 28.

Mars and Neptune connect on November 29, a wonderful day to focus on any causes you are passionate about. This is also a a great time to network, though by the time November ends, your social circle is likely to have expanded quite a bit! The month wraps up on a busy note as Mercury connects with Saturn, Venus with Neptune, and sun with Saturn, all on November 30. Mercury and Saturn’s connection bodes well for discussing plans and commitments, and Venus and Neptune’s connection inspires sweetness and sensitivity. The sun and Saturn’s connection creates a grounded atmosphere, balancing Venus and Neptune’s dreamy aura.

Good luck this month, Capricorn, and see you in December!